
ポルトガルのシントラでECBが開催した中央銀行に関するフォーラムで、バーナンキが26日に「When Growth is not Enough」というテーマで講演し、その講演録がブルッキングス研究所のHPに上がっている(H/T Economist's View)。講演はトランプ現象と経済政策との関係を分析したものだが、その中で構造改革に触れた部分が小生の以前からの考え(cf. ここここここここ)と符合しているように思われたので、以下に引用してみる。

A small literature has argued that structural reforms can be counterproductive when interest rates are at the zero lower bound, because of disinflationary effects. I tend to agree that those ZLB effects are probably quantitatively modest. However, whether rates are at zero or not, it seems quite likely that policies that have the effect of releasing redundant labor resources could have adverse short-run effects if insufficient aggregate demand exists to re-employ those resources in a reasonable time. It’s consequently important for the content and sequencing of reforms to take into account the macroeconomic situation, as has been pointed out by the International Monetary Fund and others. Likewise, reforms can complement, but should not be viewed as a substitute for, appropriate macroeconomic policies. In particular, labor market reforms should not by themselves be expected to solve national competitiveness problems, at least not in the short term. Also needed are appropriate macroeconomic policies, especially fiscal policies, to help ensure adequate demand and remedy the underlying source of trade imbalances.

*1:[原注]See Eggertsson, Gauti, Andrea Ferrero, Andrea Raffo, “Can Structural Reforms Help Europe?”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 2014, vol. 61, 2-22.

*2:[原注]See Vogel, Lukas, “Structural Reforms at the Zero Bound,” European Economy Economic Papers 537, 2014.

*3:[原注]See International Monetary Fund, “Time for a Supply-Side Boost? Macroeconomic Effects of Labor and Product Market Reforms in Advanced Economies,” World Economic Outlook, April 2016, chapter 3.