

Progressives’ Keynesian economist in chief, Paul Krugman, has been second to none in calling out policymakers’ focus on reducing budget deficits when economies were still weak (also known as “austerity”). Given that record, his oped in today’s NYT may surprise some readers. He argued that, as the economy closes in on full employment, fiscal budget deficits could crowd out private borrowing, pushing up interest rates and slowing growth.


But how reliable is this crowd-out hypothesis? It’s actually pretty hard to find a correlation between larger budget deficits and higher interest rates in the data.
So is Paul making a mistake to continue to depend on the model that has heretofore served him—and anyone else willing to listen—so well? My guess is that deficit crowd-out is not likely to be a big problem, as in posing a measurable threat to growth, anytime soon, even if deficits, which are headed up anyway according to CBO, were to rise more than expected.
The global supply of loanable funds is robust and, in recent years, rising rates have drawn in more capital (pushing out the LM curve). Larger firms have enjoyed many years of profitability without a ton of investment so they could use retained earnings (the fact of unimpressive investment at very low rates presents another challenge to this broad model). And most importantly, while we’re surely closer to full employment, there are still a lot of prime-age workers who could be drawn in to the job market if demand really did accelerate.
(This, by the way, is the only part of Paul’s rap today that I found a bit confusing. He’s a strong advocate of the secular stagnation hypothesis, wherein secular forces suppress demand and hold rates down, even in mature recoveries. His prediction today seems at odds with that view.)
しかしこのクラウドアウト仮説はどの程度信頼が置けるのであろうか? 実際のところ、財政赤字拡大と金利上昇の相関関係をデータから見い出すのはかなり難しい。
ではポールは、ここまで彼――ならびに耳を傾ける者すべて――に非常に良く仕えてきてくれたモデルに依拠し続けるという過ちを犯しているのだろうか? 私は、CBOによればいずれにしろ上昇し続ける財政赤字が予想よりも大きく上昇したとしても、近いうちに赤字によるクラウドアウトが成長を目に見えるほど脅かすだけの大きな問題になることはないと思う。


And yet, I’m still really worried—profoundly so—about crowd-out, just not the interest-rate type that Paul’s worried about. What keeps me up at night is that if Republicans are able to waste a bunch of money on deficit-inducing tax cuts that go mostly to rich people, there will be too few resources to support the safety net, public goods, health care, and possibly even social insurance.