...I and other Keynesians are getting mail accusing us of being the hypocrites: “You were for deficits when Obama was in, now they’re bad!”
But as I just said, the situation has changed.
Nobody knows precisely how close we are to full employment; we have very little reason to trust estimates of the NAIRU, if such a thing even exists at low inflation rates. However, some unambiguous indicators of labor market tightness clearly show an economy looking much more like its pre-crisis self than it did a few years ago. As the figure shows, wages are finally rising at a reasonable clip, and quit rates are more or less normal, suggesting that jobs are relatively easy to find.
I’d be a lot more comfortable about the state of affairs if we had more-or-less full employment along with an interest rate well clear of the ZLB, so that the Fed had evident room to cut in the next recession; the fact that we don’t is why I still think modest fiscal stimulus is appropriate, and so is monetary forbearance until inflation is higher. But it’s nothing like the situation in 2010.
When the macroeconomic situation changes, I change my policy recommendations. What do you do?
次に、1/7エントリ「The Shock of the Normal(正常化ショック)」。
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, however, we spent an extended period at the ZLB, as shown by the “2010” IS curve. In those conditions, shifts in the IS curve don’t move interest rates, there is no crowding out (actually crowding in because increased sales lead to higher investment), and multipliers are large.
So are we still there? No. Wages are finally rising, quit rates are back to pre-crisis levels, so we seem to be fairly close to full employment, and the Fed is raising rates. So it now looks like the “2017” IS curve in the figure. We’re just barely over the border into normality, which is why I think the Fed should hold and we could still use some fiscal stimulus for insurance, and very low rates still make the case for lots of infrastructure spending. But it’s not the same as it was.
Or actually it’s not the same in the U.S.. Europe is still fairly deep in the liquidity trap.
では我々は今もそこにいるのだろうか? 否、である。賃金は遂に上昇し、離職率は危機前の水準に戻っていて、我々は完全雇用にかなり近付いているように思われる。FRBは金利を引き上げている。従って今は図の"2017"IS曲線上にあるように思われる。境界線を越えて正常域に入ったばかりなので、FRBは自制すべきであり、保険のための幾ばくかの財政刺激策が利用可能であり、非常に低い金利は依然として多額のインフラ投資を正当化する、と私は思う。とは言え、かつてと状況は変わっている。