
というNBER論文をリカルド・ライス(Ricardo Reis、LSE)が上げているungated版、原題は「Can the Central Bank Alleviate Fiscal Burdens?」)。

Central banks affect the resources available to fiscal authorities through the impact of their policies on the public debt, as well as through their income, their mix of assets, their liabilities, and their own solvency. This paper inspects the ability of the central bank to alleviate the fiscal burden by influencing different terms in the government resource constraint. It discusses five channels: (i) how inflation can (and cannot) lower the real burden of the public debt, (ii) how seignorage is generated and subject to what constraints, (iii) whether central bank liabilities should count as public debt, (iv) how central bank assets create income risk, and whether or not this threatens its solvency, and (v) how the central bank balance sheet can be used for fiscal redistributions. Overall, it concludes that the scope for the central bank to lower the fiscal burden is limited.

  1. いかにインフレーションが公的債務の実質負担を軽減できるか(そしてできないか)
  2. シニョリッジがどのように生成され、どのような制約下にあるか
  3. 中銀の負債は公的債務に含めるべきか
  4. 中銀の資産がいかに所得リスクをもたらすか、そしてそれが中銀の支払い能力を脅かすか否か
  5. 中銀のバランスシートをどのように財政再分配に用いることができるか



Therefore, issuing reserves ends up boiling down to another government liability, with no creation of new resources, so they do not alleviate the fiscal burden.
Finally, banknotes in circulation do not enter the resource constraint above. They are not a liability of the government or of the central bank. Rather, they are a durable good that the central bank produces and sells. Therefore, currency only affects the fiscal burden via the seignorage revenue discussed in the previous section.