


Q: So the Neo-Fisherian view suggests that, if the central bank pegs the interest rate, the inflation rate will be stabilized?
C: Yes, but with a big asterisk. If you look at the last 8 years of the US, Japan, and Europe, it certainly looks that way. The interest rate is zero, inflation is very stable. We have more stable inflation in the last 8 years than we have in pretty much ever.
Now, let me explain the asterisk. The asterisk is fiscal policy and the fiscal theory of price level (FTPL). We have now observed the period of fixed interest rate and stable inflation, but that hasn’t always been the case. In fact, the traditional view came from many experiences. When countries set a low-interest rate, inflation explodes. What’s up with that?
That’s where Neo-Fisherian and FTPL kind of come together. When we look at those episodes, when the central banks try to lower inflation by lower interest rate, those are all episodes where the governments were in deep fiscal problems. They were borrowing a lot of money, spending too much, didn’t have enough taxes. They were using monetary policy to try to cover things up. In order for lowering interest rate to lower inflation, you need people to trust the government’s fiscal policy. If people don’t trust the government’s fiscal policy, then it’s not gonna work. There are not many things the central banks can do about inflation.



Q: Surgent had developed this theory for more than 30 years, what it hasn’t been adopted in the mainstream? What has changed lately?
C: Actually, FTPL has a much deeper origin. Adam Smith had a gorgeous quote:

“A prince who should enact that a certain proportion of his taxes should be paid in a paper money of a certain kind might thereby give a certain value to this paper money.” (Wealth of Nations, Book II)

So the basic idea is right there in Adam Smith.
The puzzle of all monetary economics is “why do we work so hard for this pieces of paper?” When you think about it, it’s really puzzling. You and I go out and sweat hard all day, what do we take home? Some pieces of paper with a picture of dead presidents on them. Why do we work so hard for these little pieces of paper? Well, because we know somebody else will take them. But why does somebody else take them? That’s the puzzle of economics.
The FTPL answers that puzzle at a deep level. Here is why — because in the US you have to pay taxes every April 15. And you have to pay taxes with that same government money. In the old day, you give them the sheep and the goats, but they won’t take that anymore. They want their paper money back. So fundamentally, the value of money comes from the government’s willingness to take it for taxes.
Sargent’s work was just absolutely breathtaking in showing that. But Milton Friedman also wrote a famous paper on the coordination of monetary and fiscal policy. So at a level, the theory is been around a long time. The question is just the emphasis.

サージェントはこの理論を30年以上前に開発しましたが、主流派にこれまで採用されてこなかったのはなぜでしょうか? 何が最近変わったのでしょうか?


すべての貨幣経済学における謎は、「この紙切れのためになぜ我々はこれほど一生懸命に働くのか?」というものです。考えてみれば、それは本当に謎です。あなたも私も一日中額に汗して働き、家に何を持ち帰るのでしょうか? 死んだ大統領の絵が印刷された幾枚かの紙切れです。この小さな紙切れのためになぜ我々はこれほど一生懸命に働くのでしょうか? 誰かがそれを受け取ると知っているからです。しかしなぜその誰かはそれを受け取るのでしょうか? これが経済学の謎です。

貨幣価値を徴税に求めるという点では、FTPLは表券主義ないしMMTに似ているように思われる(cf. ここここ)。実際、このノアピニオン氏の1年前のツイートでは「Everyone at #KeynesPizzaDinner agrees: MMT and the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level are the same thing.」と述べられているほか*2、Nick Roweも6年ほど前にサムナーのブログへのコメントで「Their Chartalism is really closer to the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level, except that FTPL theorists usually have a vertical AS curve」と述べている。

コクランはまた、インフレ率とは国債の価値だと述べた上で、岩石理論(cf. ここ)に近いことも述べている。

Let’s take the puzzle I raised but didn’t answer: what’s going on with Japan? Why is it that people are willing to hold Japanese government debt even though the debt to GDP ratio is huge, and they are still running a deficit. If fiscal deficit causes inflation, where is the hyperinflation in Japan?
Ultimately, inflation is the value of government bond. ...
...it should be no surprise that to understand the inflation, which is the value of government debt over the business cycle, don’t look at a deficit so much, look to people’s risk aversion and how much rate of return they demand to hold government debt.Then it all make sense.
...Policymakers, especially central bankers, might be able to control the short-term rate of government bonds, but they have very little control over risk premium. When everyone gets scared, everyone gets scared. Mostly, central bankers can control risk premium a bit by not screwing things up. But when policies get chaotic, when the Treasury Secretary gets on TV and said silly things on the eve of the financial crisis, they can cause risk premium to skyrocket.
That’s where I think of the danger of inflation. Inflation seems very low right now, where is the danger of inflation? The danger is the rise in the risk premium. It could easily happen if some government somewhere tries to borrow a lot more than it can pay back. For example, Italy could blow up, China can get into trouble. All it takes is for people to think, “You know, I think I want to get out of government bonds for a while and get into real assets like stocks, real estates, or commodities.” Then you get the flight from government debt, risk premium goes up, and inflation spikes up. None of this the central bank can much about that.
先ほど提起しましたが回答を示さなかった謎を取り上げてみましょう。日本では何が起きているのでしょうか? 債務GDP比率が高く、財政赤字が依然として続いているのに、なぜ人々は国債を進んで保有し続けているのでしょうか? もし財政赤字がインフレを引き起こすならば、日本のハイパーインフレはどこに行ったのでしょうか?


Q: What is the FTPL interpretation on Helicopter Money?
Again, I don’t think creating inflation is a good idea. But if you want to create inflation, how do you create inflation? We can separate again what’s a good idea from how a model work.
I think of helicopter money as a prime case for the FTPL, because helicopter money is a fiscal operation.
Suppose our government has been so good in building up a reputation that they pay off their debt, if they were to drop money or government bonds from helicopters, it’s not obvious that people would believe that that will be out there forever. The key to creating inflation is to make people really believe that the government is not going to raise taxes, or cut spending, to take care of its deficit.
Then you can see the problem. Can you get a little of inflation by this way? Once you destroyed your reputation for paying back your debt, and people want to get rid of your bonds and your cash because they worry that they won’t get payback, can you do that just a little bit? Or is this like people saying: “I am just gonna smoke one cigarette a month because it makes me feel good.”
Once your reputation is gone, how do you control that to just 2% inflation? Especially when our governments got a huge debt?

繰り返しになりますが、私はインフレをもたらすことが良い考えだとは思いません*3。しかしインフレをもたらしたい場合には、どのようにもたらすことができるでしょうか? ここではまた、何が良い考えか、という話を措いておいて、モデルがどのように働くかを考えてみたいと思います。
すると問題が明らかになります。そうしたやり方によってインフレを少しだけもたらすことができるでしょうか? 債務返済に関する自らの評判を打ち壊してしまい、人々が返済を受けられないことを恐れて国債や現金を手放してしまった場合、インフレを少しだけに抑えることができるでしょうか? それはむしろ「気分が良くなるから1か月に1本だけ煙草を吸おう」と言うようなものではないでしょうか? いったん評判が崩れてしまった時に、インフレを僅か2%に留めておく術はあるのでしょうか? ましてや、政府が巨額の債務を抱えている時に?


The standard view is that the central bank is controlling the interest rate the way you would balance a broom on its head. It’s unstable, so you always have to move the interest rate around to keep the inflation rate in check. If you move the bottom of the broom one way, top of the broom falls off the other way. Once the rate hit zero, the Fed can’t move interest rate. Inflation should have toppled.
The Keynesian say we will have a deflation spiral. They are exactly right to predict that as that’s what their model said. The Monetarist say we are gonna have hyperinflation. Again, they are exactly right to predict that as that’s what their model said. But we have nothing. The interest rate is zero and inflation is just very quietly doing nothing.
I call this the Michelson–Morley moment. It’s a very famous experiment in Physics that proved there was no aether. The fact that nothing happened and all of the models predicted an explosion, I think is very revealing, suggesting that if the central bank hold interest rate steady, inflation will eventually settle down where the interest rates are, not the other way around. That’s the core of the Neo-Fisherian idea.

I think central bankers are now realizing that central banks are much less powerful than we thought they were. There are only so much they can do, and now we got to look around to figure out why is it that they are so much less powerful than everybody thought.
FTPL and Neo-Fisherian ideas, which pop out of modern economics models if you let the equations sing what they want to sing, give a good account of the limits of the central bank’s power. So I think that’s why people are naturally turning to them. Central Bankers tried lowering interest rate, but that didn’t do any good. They tried massive quantitative easing, and that didn’t do any good neither. Hum, maybe we need a new theory here…

I would say I like the New Keynesian Economics up till the 90 percent point. You need one last equation to finish up the model. I would prefer to use the FTPL to finish up the model and explain where the inflation comes from. But people choose to throw away this equation. Instead, we assume that central bankers can threaten to blow up the world if all but one thing happen.
Technically speaking, there are multiple equilibria in the model. How do you choose among them? The standard solution of New Keynesian model says: “If anything but 3% inflation happens, everybody would believe the Fed would take us to hyperinflation.” That just seems nutty to me. There’s an alternative here! Just put the FTPL in.
So I like 90% of the structure of New Keynesian Models, except for this last little technical detail. Just put the FTPL equation back in, get rid of this assumption that the Fed will blow up the world if we don’t do what they like us to do. Now that changes the property of the model quite a bit, that one little assumption. But I am a fan of 99% of New Keynesian Model.
技術的に言えば、このモデルには複数の均衡があります。どうやってその中から選択するのでしょうか? ニューケインジアンモデルの標準的な解は「3%のインフレ以外のことが生じたらFRBハイパーインフレをもたらすと皆が信じる」というものです。これはとにかく馬鹿げているように私には思われます。他の選択肢があるのです! 単にFTPLを入れれば済む話です。

*1:cf. ここ

*2:ジョン・コクランが「MMT is based on MV=PY, with no fiscal policy. The FTPL is based on B/P=EPV(s), with no money needed. They are exact opposites.」と反論しているが、これはMMTをMM(市場マネタリズム)と混同しているように思われる。

*3:この前段でコクランは、「But when you think about it, zero percent interest and deflation is actually perfect monetary policy. This is the idea of Milton Friedman from a long time ago. If the interest rate is zero, you get your rate of return from the slight deflation. That is just about perfect.」と述べて、フリードマンルールの満たされたゼロ金利+僅かなデフレが理想的な状態、という認識を示している。

*4:cf. Roweのこのエントリ

*5:cf. コクランらはニューケインジアンよりもニューケインジアンモデルを正しく理解している、というジョシュ・ヘンドリクソンの評価