
バーナンキが以下の本のグリーンスパン評に異を唱えている(H/T Marginal Revolution)。

The Man Who Knew: The Life & Times of Alan Greenspan (English Edition)

The Man Who Knew: The Life & Times of Alan Greenspan (English Edition)


...Mallaby’s argument relies heavily on the propositions that 1) as a practical matter, primarily because of political constraints, more effective financial regulation was impossible in the years before the crisis; and that, accordingly, 2) monetary policy could and should have been used in 2004-2005 to deflate the housing bubble and avert the subsequent financial collapse. Both of these contentions are, well, contentious, and this book does not add much to long-running debates.
On regulation, it’s true that the overall direction at the time (both within the U.S. and internationally) was toward a “lighter touch” in financial rules and oversight, and that any efforts to significantly tighten up regulation were likely to face political resistance. For example, as Mallaby discusses, Greenspan was frustrated by the lack of Congressional response to his early and frequent warnings about the government-sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Supported by both banks and the housing industry, and with huge profits available to use to advance their political goals, the GSEs were basically untouchable in the years before their shocking demise in 2008.
However, although the political forces blocking GSE reform were indeed powerful, there were other ways in which a counterfactual Greenspan—one convinced that tougher financial regulation was necessary—might have had a meaningful effect. First, if he had chosen to do so, the Chairman could have leaned, in public and in private, against the deregulatory trends of the late ‘nineties. A number of the issues were hotly contested, and it’s not impossible that his intellectual leadership and prestige could have influenced the outcomes of debates on (for example) bank capital rules and derivatives regulation, at least on the margins.
Second, more concretely, during this period the Fed already had in hand regulatory authorities in banking supervision and consumer protection. (There is implicit self-criticism here, since I was on the Board of Governors from late 2002 to early 2005.) To be sure, as I discuss in chapter 5 of my memoir, The Courage to Act, these authorities were not immune to political influences. ... Still, the Fed’s regulatory authorities in supervision and consumer protection were fairly broad, and they did not require further authorization by Congress or other regulators. With the very substantial benefit of hindsight, these tools could probably have been used more aggressively to tackle not only bad mortgage lending but also risky banking practices, like the proliferation of off-balance sheet vehicles and poor liquidity management. In short, it would have been asking a lot of Greenspan—given his own inclinations and the prevailing intellectual winds—to have taken a more proactive regulatory stance in the years before the crisis. But it’s too strong to argue, as Mallaby does, that a meaningfully tougher regulatory policy was completely infeasible.
On monetary policy: This is not the place to re-litigate the long-running debate on whether, in setting short-term interest rates, central banks should give heavy weight to financial stability concerns. (I discussed monetary policy and the housing bubble here; see also this blog post and chapter 5 of my memoir.) The view held by most policymakers today, which I believe to be correct, is that under most circumstances, monetary policy is too blunt a tool to use for controlling asset bubbles; consequently, it should not be used in that way (if at all) until more-targeted regulatory and supervisory approaches have been exhausted.
第二に、より具体的な話として、この時期のFRBは既に、銀行の監督と消費者の保護に関する規制の権限を手にしていた(この話には暗黙裡の自己批判も含まれる。私は2002年末から2005年初めまで理事会メンバーだった)。確かに、私が回顧録「The Courage to Act*1」の5章で論じたように、そうした権限は政治的影響を免れるものではなかった。・・・とは言え、監督と消費者保護に関するFRBの権限はかなり幅広いもので、議会や他の規制機関の承認を必要としなかった。大いなる後知恵で言うならば、悪しき不動産融資だけでなく、オフバランスシートのビークルの急増や貧弱な流動性の管理といったリスクの高い銀行業務を規制するために、そうした政策手段をもっと積極的に用いることはおそらく可能だった。まとめると、危機前にグリーンスパンが規制に関してもっと積極的な態度を取るべきだった、と言うのは、彼自身の性向ならびに当時支配的だった知的風潮に鑑みると、多くを望むものだった。しかしマラビーのように、意味のあるより厳しい規制政策は完全に実行不可能だった、と言うのは言い過ぎである。



危機と決断 (上) 前FRB議長ベン・バーナンキ回顧録

危機と決断 (上) 前FRB議長ベン・バーナンキ回顧録

危機と決断 (下) 前FRB議長ベン・バーナンキ回顧録

危機と決断 (下) 前FRB議長ベン・バーナンキ回顧録