
と題した記事を、発明を専門とする英国の歴史家のAnton Howesがインドのswarajyamagというサイトに寄稿している(正確にはブログ[ここここ]からの転載;原題は「Why Was The Industrial Revolution British And Not Dutch?」;H/T Mostly Economics)。

So to discover the causes of Britain’s unprecedented acceleration of innovation, I delved into just about every recorded activity, behaviour and experience of the 677 innovators of the time. ...
After staring at my data for long enough, I began to notice a pattern. People went on to innovate if inventors had been among their teachers, colleagues, employers, employees, neighbours, friends, family and acquaintances. And the more I looked, the more examples I found. Of the hundreds of inventors I studied, nearly all of them began to innovate after meeting inventors. Inspiration mattered, and inventing seemed to spread from person to person.
But this wasn’t the spread of a particular technique, design or blueprint. It was the spread of a new approach, the very idea of inventing. ...
Hundreds of people in Britain began to see room for improvement everywhere. ...
Innovators in Britain very rarely kept secrets. Even the 40% or so patent-holders very rarely sued for infringement; and they very rarely lobbied to extend them beyond the usual time limits. James Watt, who notoriously did all three, was a rarity. But even he sometimes betrayed a commitment to spreading innovation further.

では、17世紀に黄金時代を迎え、その後英国に覇権を譲る形になったオランダはどうだったのか? 実はHowesはまだそちらについては研究を進めておらず、今後に乞うご期待、で記事を結んでいる。

I think the only way to know for sure is to compile as extensive a list of Dutch innovators as possible. If my hypothesis about the British acceleration of innovation is correct, then Dutch innovators may not have been as proactive at proselytising innovation. But I may be wrong, and I’ll let you know what I find.