
失業給付の延長が雇用に与えた影響についての研究はこれまでも紹介したことがあったが(ここここ)、その件についてのまた新たな表題のNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Limited Macroeconomic Effects of Unemployment Benefit Extensions」で、著者はGabriel Chodorow-Reich(ハーバード大)、Loukas Karabarbounis(シカゴ大)。

By how much does an extension of unemployment benefits affect macroeconomic outcomes such as unemployment? Answering this question is challenging because U.S. law extends benefits for states experiencing high unemployment. We use data revisions to decompose the variation in the duration of benefits into the part coming from actual differences in economic conditions and the part coming from measurement error in the real-time data used to determine benefit extensions. Using only the variation coming from measurement error, we find that benefit extensions have a limited influence on state-level macroeconomic outcomes. We use our estimates to quantify the effects of the increase in the duration of benefits during the Great Recession and find that they increased the unemployment rate by at most 0.3 percentage point.
失業給付の延長は、失業といったマクロ経済的な結果にどの程度影響するのだろうか? 米国の法律では高失業の州の給付を延長するため、この質問に答えるのは難題である。我々は、データの改定を利用して、給付期間の変動を、経済状態の実際の違いに起因する部分と、給付延長を決定するリアルタイムのデータにおける測定誤差に起因する部分とに分解した。測定誤差に起因する変動のみを用い、我々は、給付延長が州レベルのマクロ経済的な結果に限定的な影響しか及ぼさないことを見い出した。我々の推計を用いて大不況における給付期間延長の影響を定量化したところ、失業率の増加はせいぜい0.3%ポイントであることが見い出された。

以下はEquitable Growth紹介記事における説明。

A problem with figuring out how much unemployment benefits increase unemployment is that they get extended when unemployment is going up. So it’s hard to figure out which way the causation runs in the relationship: Is the extension causing a rise in the rate or vice versa?

Chodorow-Reich and Karabarbounis figure out a nifty way of untangling the causation. Unemployment benefits “trigger on” once the unemployment rate in a state has been over a defined threshold for a certain amount of time. But sometimes there are measurement issues with state unemployment rates that cause the benefits to trigger on when the underlying economic situation wouldn’t call for it or vice versa. The changes in this measurement error are random, which means the authors can measure the causal impact of the extensions. Their empirical results imply that the increases in the duration of unemployment benefits increased the unemployment rate by 0.3 percentage points.
The unemployment rate increased overall by 5 percentage points during the Great Recession, so the extended unemployment benefits were behind only 6 percent of the overall increase in the unemployment rate between December 2007 and June 2009. Concerns, then, that policies designed to help fight unemployment actually increase it are way overblown. Our concerns about the unemployment insurance system might be better directed toward other areas.