というProject Syndicate論説をエドムンド・フェルプスが書いている(原題は「Nothing Natural About the Natural Rate of Unemployment」)。そこで彼は、自らが旗手の一人であった反ケインズ革命を以下のように振り返っている。
Why is unemployment so low in countries where inflation remains subdued? For economists, this is a fundamental question. And when economists confront a fundamental question, fundamental disagreement often follows.
I was one of the rebel economists of the 1960s who rejected the macroeconomics we were taught in the 1950s – the “Keynesian” theory developed by J.R. Hicks, A.W. Phillips and James Tobin, according to which aggregate demand drove everything. High unemployment was caused only by deficient demand, and low unemployment only by abnormally high demand.
This bothered us, because the basic economic theory we were taught – the theory built by Alfred Marshall, Knut Wicksell, and Robert Solow – said everything was driven by structural forces. Faster technological progress and a greater preference to work or to save were to be welcomed, because they would boost the supply of labor and capital – and thus employment and investment. But the Keynesians maintained that structural forces were bad, because they cost people their jobs, unless policymakers manufactured enough demand to match the increase in supply.
A conclusion we drew was that, at the very least, the path of an economy, measured by conventional macroeconomic variables of unemployment, inflation, and output growth, is not fully determined by aggregate demand. Structural forces matter. Keynesians’ claim that “demand” is all-powerful – that it alone increases employment and thus investment and even growth – was groundless. Yet they continue to repeat it.
インフレが低いままの国々でなぜ失業率はこれほど低いのか? 経済学者にとってこれは根本的な疑問である。そして経済学者が根本的な疑問に直面する時には、根本的な意見の相違が生まれることが多い。
The structuralist perspective on macroeconomic behavior led to the concept that came to be called the “natural” rate of unemployment, borrowing from the notion, which arose in Europe during the interwar years, of a “natural” interest rate. Yet the term “natural” was misleading.
The basic idea of the structuralist approach is that while market forces are always fluctuating, the unemployment rate actually has a homing tendency. If it is, say, below its “natural” level, it will rise toward this level – and the rate of inflation will pick up. (Of course, a fresh shock to demand could send unemployment back up and reduce inflation; but the “natural rate” always exerts its centripetal force.)
But there is a complication I have long emphasized. The “natural rate” itself may be pushed up or pulled down by structural shifts. Moreover, shifts in human attitudes and norms may also have an impact.
...the “natural rate” is not a constant of nature, like the speed of light.
- 人口動態のトレンド
- 未知の事柄に対する人々の期待や恐れが変化した
- 2008年の金融危機とその後の深刻な不況により、昇進を要求することや、より給与の高い職を探すことに、人々が臆病になった。
- そのコインの表裏の話として、過去10年の生産性の伸びの弱さを見て不安になった雇用者側が、昇給を渋るようになった。
- 競争の激化
- フェルプス自身のモデルによる仮説。
- 2015年初にドルが再び強くなったことで米市場で輸入品が氾濫し、企業が同じ価格で製品をもっと販売することに弱気になった、もしくは、同じ量を値下げして販売するようになった。
- そのため被雇用者の賃上げも拒否し、低失業と低インフレが共存する「超雇用(super-employment)」が生まれた。
All this does not mean there is no natural unemployment rate, only that there is nothing natural about it. There never was.