
「The cost of running government bureaucracies on COBOL」というコメントを添えてタイラー・コーエンが、メリーランド大のMichael Navarreteが書いた「COBOLing Together UI Benefits: How Delays in Fiscal Stabilizers Impact Aggregate Consumption*1」という論文リンクしている。以下はその要旨。

The United States experienced an unprecedented increase in unemployment insurance (UI) claims starting in March 2020, mainly due to layoffs caused by COVID-19. State unemployment insurance systems were inadequately prepared to process these claims. Those states using an antiquated programming language, COBOL, to process UI claims experienced longer delays in benefit disbursement. Using daily card consumption data from Affinity Solutions, I employ a two-way fixed effects estimator to measure the causal impact of COBOL-induced delays in UI benefits on aggregate consumption. The delays caused a 4.4 percentage point relative decline in total card consumption in COBOL states relative to non-COBOL states. Performing a back-of-the-envelope calculation using 2019 data, I find that real GDP declined by $181 billion (in 2012 dollars).

*1:このタイトルは「cobbling together(やっつけ仕事で仕上げる)」という成句に掛けているものと思われる。

*2:cf. HP。本文では、同社のデータは全米のデビットカードとクレジットカードの消費の1割近くを捕捉している、と説明されている。
