
ジョシュ・ヘンドリクソン(Josh Hendrickson)のThe Everyday Economistブログエントリと、ノアピニオン氏のブルームバーグ論説が、ほぼ同時に恒常所得仮説を取り上げ、ほぼ正反対の評価を下している。


Mark Aguiar and Erik Hurst have a paper in the Journal of Political Economy that uses a cool data set that consists of food diaries of U.S. households. What the paper shows is that neither the quality nor quantity of food intake by retired households decline after retirement. In addition, they find that the food intake of unemployed workers does decline, but only as much as one would predict from the decline in permanent income typical of being displaced for some period of time from one’s job. In other words, if one considers the role of home production, then the evidence of a significant decline in expenditures following retirement or job displacement should not be interpreted as evidence against the permanent income hypothesis. Relying on expenditure data to measure consumption might cause one to incorrectly reject the permanent income hypothesis.


  1. 利用可能なミクロデータが増えるにつれ、仮説検定に乗り出す前に、研究対象となる変数を正しく計測しているかどうかを考慮することが重要になる。
  2. モデルをデータで検証する際に消費支出という標準的な尺度を使う場合には、モデルの家計の決定に自己生産も取り込んでおく必要がある。さもなければ、研究者の言う消費と計算された消費の間に不整合が生じる。


A new study by Peter Ganong and Pascal Noel shows that consumer behavior is more short term than almost any mainstream model predicts.
This means Friedman’s theory doesn’t just need a patch or two -- it needs a major overhaul.


We study the spending of unemployed individuals using anonymized data on 210,000 checking accounts that received a direct deposit of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. The account holders are similar to a representative sample of U.S. UI recipients in terms of income, spending, assets, and age.
Unemployment causes a large but short-lived drop in income, generating a need for liquidity. At onset of unemployment, monthly spending drops by 6%, and work-related expenses explain one-quarter of the drop. Spending declines by less than 1% with each additional month of UI receipt. When UI benefits are exhausted, spending falls sharply by 11%.
Unemployment is a good setting to test alternative models of consumption because the change in income is large. We find that families do little self-insurance before or during unemployment, in the sense that spending is very sensitive to monthly income. We compare the spending data to three benchmark models; the drop in spending from UI onset through exhaustion fits the buffer stock model well, but spending falls much more than predicted by the permanent income model and much less than the hand-to-mouth model. We identify two failures of the buffer stock model relative to the data – it predicts higher assets at onset, and it predicts that spending will evolve smoothly around the largely predictable income drop at benefit exhaustion.