
BOEのチーフエコノミストのアンドリュー・ホールデン(Andrew Haldane)が、OECD Insightsに「From economic crisis to crisis in economics」と題したブログエントリを上げ複雑系理論、就中、複雑な「システムのシステム」という観点から公的政策の全体構造を捉えることを唱えている*1ホールデンに言わせれば、経済や金融のシステムを理解するのに複雑系理論はますます使われるようになっているが(例:大手銀行をスーパースプレッダーと見做した疫学モデル)、政策という観点からの複雑系理論の適用は未だし、とのことである。

Although there is no generally-accepted definition of complexity, that proposed by Herbert Simon in The Architecture of Complexity – “one made up of a large number of parts that interact in a non-simple way” – captures well its everyday essence. The whole behaves very differently than the sum of its parts. The properties of complex systems typically give rise to irregular, and often highly non-normal, statistical distributions for these systems over time. This manifests itself as much fatter tails than a normal distribution would suggest. In other words, system-wide interactions and feedbacks generate a much higher probability of catastrophic events than Gaussian distributions would imply.
For evolutionary reasons of survival of the fittest, Simon posited that “decomposable” networks were more resilient and hence more likely to proliferate. By decomposable networks, he meant organisational structures which could be partitioned such that the resilience of the system as a whole was not reliant on any one sub-element. This may be a reasonable long-run description of some real-world complex systems, but less suitable as a description of the evolution of socio-economic systems. The efficiency of many of today’s networks relies on their hyper-connectivity. There are, in the language of economics, significantly increasing returns to scale and scope in a network industry. Think of the benefits of global supply chains and global interbank networks for trade and financial risk-sharing. This provides a powerful secular incentive for non-decomposable socio-economic systems.
Moreover, if these hyper-connected networks do face systemic threat, they are often able to adapt in ways which avoid extinction. For example, the risk of social, economic or financial disorder will typically lead to an adaptation of policies to prevent systemic collapse. These adaptive policy responses may preserve otherwise-fragile socio-economic topologies. They may even further encourage the growth of connectivity and complexity of these networks. Policies to support “super-spreader” banks in a crisis for instance may encourage them to become larger and more complex. The combination of network economies and policy responses to failure means socio-economic systems may be less Darwinian, and hence decomposable, than natural and biological systems.


  1. 正確なデータと、システムの各層をタイミング良く把握することの重要性
    • 各層自体が複雑である場合には特に重要で、そうした複雑なサブシステム内およびサブシステム間の相互作用を捉えるためには、粒状データが必要となる。
  2. それら各層と層同士の相互作用のモデル化の重要性
    • システムリスクと動学の理解、および、取り得る政策対応のカリブレーションのためにそうしたモデル化が重要なものとなる可能性が高い
  3. リスク管理のためには、ティンバーゲンルール的なものが適用される可能性が高い
    • リスクを効果的に監視し管理するために、システムのシステムの複雑なサブコンポーネントと少なくとも同数の政策手段が必要となるだろう
    • 換言すれば、過少識別された複雑なシステムのシステムは、制御不能に陥る可能性が高い。


*2:cf. 関連日本語文献