
ラース・ハンセントーマス・サージェントという2人ノーベル賞受賞経済学者が、表題の小難しいNBER論文を上げている(原題は「Sets of Models and Prices of Uncertainty」)*1

A decision maker constructs a convex set of nonnegative martingales to use as likelihood ratios that represent parametric alternatives to a baseline model and also non-parametric models statistically close to both the baseline model and the parametric alternatives. Max-min expected utility over that set gives rise to equilibrium prices of model uncertainty expressed as worst-case distortions to drifts in a representative investor's baseline model. We offer quantitative illustrations for baseline models of consumption dynamics that display long-run risk. We describe a set of parametric alternatives that generates countercyclical prices of uncertainty.


Acknowledging that a model is an approximation concedes that one of a myriad of statistically similar alternative models might be correct. This paper proposes a new way to imagine how a decision maker forms that set of alternative models and then provides an application to equilibrium asset pricing. We extend work by Hansen and Sargent (2001) and Hansen et al. (2006) that described a decision maker who expresses distrust of a single baseline probability model having a finite number of parameters by surrounding it with an infinite dimensional family of difficult-to-learn-about alternative models. The decision maker represents these alternative models by multiplying baseline probabilities with likelihood ratios whose entropies relative to the baseline model are less than a bound that makes alternative models stay statistically close to the baseline model. He wants to evaluate outcomes under these alternative models.
