
というNBER論文(原題は「The Microeconomic Foundations of Aggregate Production Functions」)をDavid Rezza Baqaee(UCLA)とEmmanuel Farhi(ハーバード大)のコンビ(cf. ここ)が上げている以前ケンブリッジ資本論争で米国側が勝ったような認識が広まっているがそれは誤り、という話を紹介したことがあったが、この論文のungated版の導入部では、その点について、「英国側は戦闘に勝って戦争に負けた」と描写されている。

Eventually, the English Cambridge prevailed against the American Cambridge, decisively showing that aggregate production functions with an aggregate capital stock do not always exist. They did this through a series of ingenious, though perhaps exotic looking, “re-switching” examples. These examples demonstrated that at the macro level, “fundamental laws” such as diminishing returns may not hold for the aggregate capital stock, even if, at the micro level, there are diminishing returns for every capital good. This means that a neoclassical aggregate production function could not be used to study the distribution of income in such economies.
However, despite winning the battle, the English side arguably lost the war. Although exposed as a fiction, the “neoclassical” approach to modeling the production technology of an economy was nevertheless very useful. It was adopted and built upon by the real business cycle and growth literatures starting in the 1980s. Reports of the death of the aggregate production function turned out to be greatly exaggerated, as nearly all workhorse macroeconomic models now postulate an exogenous aggregate production function.


Why did Robinson and Sraffa fail to convince macroeconomists to abandon aggregate production functions? One answer is the old adage: you need a model to beat a model. Once we abandon the aggregate production function, we need something to replace it with. Although the post-Keynesians were effective in dismantling this concept, they were not able to offer a preferable alternative. For his part, Sraffa advocated a disaggregated approach, one which took seriously “the production of commodities by means of commodities” (the title of his magnum opus). However, his impact was limited. Clean theoretical results were hard to come by and conditions under which factors of production could be aggregated were hopelessly restrictive.
なぜロビンソンとスラッファはマクロ経済学者に総生産関数を放棄するよう説得できなかったのか? 一つの答えは、モデルを打ち負かすにはモデルが必要、という古の格言である。総生産関数を放棄したならば、その代わりとなるものが必要となる。ポストケインジアンたちは総生産関数の概念を破壊することにかけては有能だったが、望ましい代替を提供することはできなかった。スラッファは、自分の考えとして、「商品による商品の生産」(彼の主著のタイトル*1」)))を真剣に考えた分解的な手法を提唱した。だが、その影響力は限られていた。明晰な理論的結果を得るのは困難で、生産要素を総計ベースに持っていける条件はどうしようもないほど制約的だった。


In a world lacking both computational power and data, and in lieu of powerful theorems, it is little wonder that workaday macroeconomists decided to work with Solow’s parsimonious aggregate production function instead. After all, it was easy to work with and only needed a sparing amount of data to be calibrated, typically having just one or two free parameters (the labor share and the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor).


Of course, today’s world is awash in an ocean of micro-data and access to computational power is cheap and plentiful, so old excuses no longer apply. Macroeconomic theory must evolve to take advantage of and make sense of detailed micro-level data. This paper is a contribution to this project. We fully take on board the lessons of the Cambridge-Cambridge controversy and allow for as many factors as necessary to ensure the existence of aggregate production functions. Instead of desperately seeking to aggregate factors, we focus on aggregating over heterogeneous producers in competitive general equilibrium. Under the assumptions of homothetic final demand and no distortions, such aggregation endogenously gives rise to aggregate production functions. The key difference between our approach and that of most of the rest of the literature that follows the Solow-Swan paradigm is that we treat aggregate production functions as endogenous reduced-form objects rather than structural ones. In other words, we do not impose an arbitrary parametric structure on aggregate production functions at the outset and instead derive their properties as a function of deeper structural microeconomic primitives.


Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities

Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities

