
引き続き総生産性に関する3月のNBER論文の紹介。表題のNBER論文(原題は「A Short Note on Aggregating Productivity」)をDavid Rezza Baqaee(UCLA)とEmmanuel Farhi(ハーバード大)のコンビ(cf. ここ)が書いているungated版)。

This paper provides two simple and economically-interpretable decompositions for aggregate productivity analysis in the presence of distortions and in general equilibrium. In the process, we propose a new “distorted” Solow residual which, contrary to the traditional Solow residual, accurately measures changes in aggregate productivity in disaggregated economies with distortions. Our formulas apply to any collection of producers ranging from one isolated producer to an industry or to an entire economy. They can be useful for empiricists and theorists alike. Potential applications of these formulas include: (1) decomposing aggregate productivity into its microeconomic sources, separating technical and allocative efficiency; (2) aggregating microeconomic estimates (for example, from natural experiments) to assess macroeconomic effects; (3) constructing and interpreting aggregate counterfactuals. Despite their simplicity, the formulas are general, allowing for production networks, multi-product firms, and non-constant returns. They are also entirely nonparametric. They only assume market clearing and cost minimization.