Region: Related to this point about the projection of certainty, your closing observation in your Nobel lecture was, “Uncertainty generally conceived is not often embraced in public discussions of economic policy. When complexity is not fully understood by policymakers, perhaps it is the simpler policies that are more prudent.” Can you elaborate on that? I found it a little provocative.
Hansen: [Laughs.] Well, this builds on long-standing discussions that economists have had in other contexts. A long time ago in a rather different monetary policy environment than we have today, Milton Friedman argued that we need to have simple policy rules because there are long and variable lags in the transmission mechanism through which changes in monetary policy influence the macroeconomy.
I would interpret that as saying, “We don’t really understand the details of the transmission mechanism, and maybe there are dangers in pretending we know too much. Instead, maybe we ought to be doing something simple, to avoid taking too literally the complexities that a given model might have.” Once I start looking across models and recognizing potential differences or similarities across models, I might well be led to do something relatively simple that works across the models rather than embracing some particular, more complicated approach based on taking this one model literally.
So my statement was meant to get at that type of idea, but I do not have a formal statement or proof of such a proposition. Let me also add that there are simple rules that are good, and simple ones that are bad, so simplicity is only part of the story. In the statement that you quote, the reference is to simplicity being a possible outcome that I think we ought to seriously consider. It is not a statement that, in all sets of circumstances, one should necessarily do something simple.
- インタビュアー
- 確実性の見通しに関する今のお話しと関連することですが、貴兄はノーベル賞講演*1の結びで「一般に感受されている不確実性が、経済政策に関する公けの議論で織り込まれていることがあまり多くありません。政策当局者が複雑性を完全に理解していない場合、より単純な政策がより慎重な政策かもしれません」と述べました。これについて解説して頂けますか? この言葉は少し挑発的なように思われましたが。
- ハンセン
- (笑)。実はこの言葉は、経済学者が別の文脈で長く続けてきた議論に立脚しています。その昔、今日とは些か異なる金融政策の環境下でミルトン・フリードマンは、金融政策の変化がマクロ経済に影響する伝達機構においては長く可変なラグが存在するため、単純な政策ルールが必要だ、と論じました。