
昨日エントリの冒頭で触れたIMFブログ記事は「U.S. Monetary Policy: Avoiding Dark Corners」と題されており、その元となっている論文は「Avoiding Dark Corners : A Robust Monetary Policy」と題されている。ここで「dark corner」はブランシャールの昨年9月の論説で用いられた語であり、同論説では以下のように説明されている。

We all knew that there were “dark corners”—situations in which the economy could badly malfunction. But we thought we were far away from those corners, and could for the most part ignore them. Japan sat unhappily in that picture, an advanced economy stuck in a long slump with deflation. But its situation was often interpreted as the result of misguided policies rather than a harder-to-solve problem.
The main lesson of the crisis is that we were much closer to those dark corners than we thought—and the corners were even darker than we had thought too.


The paper finds that—under conditions of still recovering demand, low inflation, and the policy interest rate near zero—the balance of risks favors more patience to start interest rate increases. The consequence of such a policy would still mean gradual, albeit slightly steeper, path of subsequent rate increases and a modest planned overshooting of inflation.

The intuition is straightforward: it is costly to have the policy interest rate at zero, where the room for maneuver to respond to negative shocks becomes constrained. This is the “dark corner” in the title. Given the potential for future negative shocks that could push the economy back toward low growth and falling inflation, optimal policy should aim to get the economy as quickly as possible back to full employment and away from this dark corner. Waiting a little longer to pull the trigger on policy rates—as former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers says, until the “whites of inflation’s eyes are visible”—provides valuable insurance against ending back at zero interest rates. The case is further strengthened when one takes into account uncertainties related to the amount of slack and the neutral policy rate.

Such a policy has the potential to temporarily generate a bit more inflation (see chart). But that’s okay and, we think, a reasonable cost to pay. After all, expectations are well anchored and the Fed has strong credibility and a proven track record in addressing inflation, when it arises.



*1:「dark corner」をどう訳そうかと迷ったのだが、ぐぐっているうちに「暗隅」という言葉があることを知ったため、それを用いた。また、「暗隅に鬼を繋ぐ」という諺があることも知ったが、その諺がブランシャール論説にあしらわれている(本エントリでも借用した)怪物の図とイメージ的に合っていたため、タイトルはそれに因んでみた。