前回エントリで紹介したトーマス・ジョルダン(Thomas Jordan)スイス国立銀行総裁の講演の前半では、グローバル化の影響について語っている。労働、資本、技術という成長の3つの要素について、それぞれ、国際的な分業、国際的な投資の活発化、知識の交換の活発化とイノベーションの進展がみられた、という。そして、金融政策への影響について次のように述べている。
Globalisation also had a major impact on monetary policy. The most important change in this respect was the increasingly global production of goods, which reduced inflationary pressure. The latter also fell because the global economy was able to satisfy increases in demand in individual countries comparatively easily. In the less integrated economy of the Cold War era, higher demand quickly led to bottlenecks and rising prices.
...At the outset of globalisation, the neutral interest rate was initially high owing to the considerable demand for investment in the newly opened economies. However, as prosperity increased and life expectancy rose, the supply of savings also grew markedly, and the neutral rate of interest declined as a result. If central banks wanted to ease their monetary policy, they therefore had to set their policy rate correspondingly low. And because you cannot lower interest rates indefinitely without at some point triggering a flight to cash, after the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008 many central banks resorted to unconventional monetary policy measures by buying various assets and expanding their balance sheets.
There would initially be the impact on inflation and the economy, in other words on the two variables at the core of monetary policy. With a reduction in the division of labour owing to a fragmentation of the global economy, production costs for many goods would rise again. As long as this disintegration persisted, it would be likely to trigger more protracted inflationary pressure. Furthermore, a fragmentation of the global economy would probably lead to more frequent bottleneck situations, since changes in demand would once again increasingly affect domestic economies and it would be less possible for these changes to be absorbed by the global economy. As a result, inflation and the economy would also become more volatile again. All of this means that monetary policy would have to be focused on tackling inflation more frequently and intensively than in recent years.
Moreover, the use of monetary policy instruments could also be affected. Would the traditional instrument of interest rates be used again more often, or would unconventional measures continue to play an important role in countering the impact of adverse disruptions? This primarily depends on whether the neutral interest rate remains low or returns to a higher level. Both of these developments are conceivable. The neutral level of interest rates could rise and the traditional interest rate policy could return to the fore if there were to be a reduction in the investment of savings from the emerging economies in the advanced economies. The neutral level of interest rates would also rise if defence spending and investment in energy infrastructure were to increase government debt or if inflation were to remain high. On the other hand, however, the neutral level of interest rates could also persist at the low level of the past 15 years if there were to be an increase in saving due to the geopolitical uncertainty or if inflation were to decline again. Central banks will have to be vigilant here in order to discern the effects of these various forces in good time and contextualise them correctly.
Ultimately, another aspect that must not be forgotten is the political pressure that increasing government debt, for example, could entail. Political opposition to monetary policy tightening is likely to mount if the level of government debt is high. If central banks are to continue to be able to ensure price stability in this situation, their independence must remain safeguarded.
金融政策のツールの使い方もまた影響を受けるでしょう。マイナスのショックに対応する上で、金利という伝統的なツールの使用頻度が高まるのでしょうか、それとも非伝統的な手段が引き続き重要な役割を演じるのでしょうか? それは主として、中立金利が低い水準にとどまり続けるか、それとも高い水準に戻るか、に依存します。両方の展開があり得ます。新興国経済の貯蓄からの先進国経済への投資が減少するならば、中立金利は上がり、伝統的な金利政策が復活するでしょう。国防費支出とエネルギーインフラ投資が政府債務を増大させる、もしくはインフレが高止まりすることによっても、中立金利は上昇するでしょう。しかしその一方で、地政学的な不確実性のため貯蓄が増加する、もしくはインフレが再び低下するならば、中立金利は過去15年間の低い水準にとどまり続けるでしょう。この状況下における中銀は、そうした様々な要因の影響を早めに識別し、その文脈を正しく読み解くために絶えず気を配っている必要があります。