
という論文をラトガース大学のJason Barr、Bruce Mizrach、Kusum Mundraが書いているマンキューブログ経由のFree Exchange経由)。原題は「Skyscraper Height and the Business Cycle: Separating Myth from Reality」。

This paper is the first to rigorously test how skyscraper height and output co-move. Because builders can use their buildings for non-rational or non-pecuniary gains, it is widely believed that height competition occurs near the business cycle peaks. This would suggest that extreme building height is a leading indicator of GDP, since the tallest buildings are likely to be completed at or near the peak of a cycle. To test these claims, first we look at both the announcement and completion dates for record breaking buildings and find there is very little correlation with the business cycle. Second, cointegration and Granger causality tests show that while height and output are cointegrated, height does not Granger cause output. These results are robust for the United States, Canada, China, and Hong Kong.