
以前、ウェーブレットでテイラールールを分析した論文を紹介したことがあったが、その著者たちのうちのミンホ大学の2人が、またウェーブレットを使って別の2人と共著で地域同士の景気循環の相似性を調べた表題の論文を書いている。原題は「Optimum Currency Area and Business Cycle Synchronization Across U.S. States」で、著者はLuís Aguiar-Conraria(ミンホ大学)、Pedro Brinca(欧州大学院)、Haukur Viðar Guðjónsson(ストックホルム大学)、Maria Joana Soares(ミンホ大学)。

We use wavelet analysis to investigate to what extent individual U.S. states' business cycles are synchronized. The results show that the U.S. states are remarkably well synchronized compared to the previous findings w.r.t. the Euro Area. There is also a strong and significant correlation between business cycle dissimilitudes and the distance between each pair of states, consistent to gravity type mechanisms where distance affects trade. Trade, in turn, increases business cycle synchronization. Finally we show that a higher degree of industry specialization is associated with a higher dissimilitude of the state cycle with the aggregate economy.