




I think you are mistaken about the way the ON RRP facility works. MMMF and GSEs who participate are not posting central bank reserves as collateral. They are posting cash. Investors place money in an MMMF, or the GSEs receive money from the stream of mortgage payments that homeowners make on their mortgages, and need to invest that cash somewhere. Right now, they cannot deposit it at the Fed and make 25bp. So they lend out the cash in the wholesale money markets. this is why the general collateral repo rate for Treasuries has been trading around 8bp - 16bp for the past year and why the Fed could not establish a floor under short term rates by just paying IOER. If the Fed starts raising the ON RRP rate, they can move short term rates up without changing the size of their balance sheet. that's the point.
The concern about runs stems from the fact that MMMFs and GSEs could simply stop transacting with any private sector counterparties if there was some sort of crisis/scare and run straight to the safest counterparty in the world - the Fed - if there was no cap on the ON RRP facility. It is a legitimate concern, as tri-party repo markets would simply cease to exist, and that's not what a liquidity provider of last resort wants to see - they want to see the markets open and liquid.

また、コクランがリンクしたCecchetti & Schoenholtzブログエントリでは、銀行の預金流出という観点から、そうした「取り付け騒ぎへの懸念」がよりビビッドに描かれている。

Our primary concern with RRPs is not in normal times, but rather when the financial system comes under stress. In such circumstances, large-scale RRPs could trigger a disruptive bout of bank disintermediation. To see the risk, imagine that you are a large institutional investor or the treasurer of a large firm. Your cash on hand far exceeds the FDIC insurance limit. (According to Table I-C of the Quarterly Banking Profile for the first quarter of 2014, nearly 40% of domestic deposits are not insured by the FDIC, which also does not insure deposits abroad.) Now, imagine that the banking system starts to look shaky (again). Would you rather have your cash in a bank whose assets are of uncertain value or in an MMMF that lends only to the Fed against good collateral (using the RRP facility)? We expect that uninsured depositors would flee the banks for the MMMFs.
リバースレポについての我々の主要な懸念は、通常時ではなく、金融システムに負担が掛かった状態の時にある。そうした状況下では、大規模なリバースレポは、銀行から一気に資金が流出するという混乱を招きかねない。そのリスクを理解するために、自分が大手の機関投資家もしくは大企業の財務担当者になったと想像して欲しい。貴兄の手元の現金は、FDIC連邦預金保険公社)が保証する上限を遥かに超えている。(2014年第1四半期の四半期銀行統計の表I-Cによれば、国内預金の40%近くがFDICの保証対象外である。またFDICは海外預金は保証していない。)そして、銀行システムが(またもや)がたつき始めたように見える、と想像して欲しい。貴兄は資産価値が不確実な銀行に現金を置いておきたいと思うだろうか? それとも、(リバースレポ制度を利用して)安全な担保を取ってFRBにのみ貸し出しを行うMMMFに置きたいと思うだろうか? 我々は、保証対象外の預金者は銀行から逃げ出してMMMFに向かうものと予想している。