
ハイパーインフレと言えば最近はジンバブエが良く例に出されるが、そのジンバブエ財務相として経済の立て直しに邁進したテンダイ・ビティ(Tendai Biti)が、Center for Global Developmentのサイトに回想エッセイを執筆している(H/T Mostly Economics*1)。これは、おそらくジンバブエハイパーインフレについて語る際には今後は必読の資料になるのではないか、と思われる。


This was not a typical dollarization: balances held in Zimbabwean dollars were not compensated or exchanged against US dollars, and local currency banknotes in circulation were not mopped up. Zimbabweans still holding Zimbabwean dollars just woke up to find their money had lost all value. In reality, most people had long abandoned the local currency. All the government did was formalize what had already happened. As a result, the change was smooth and seamless.

Killing the toxic Zimbabwean dollar was critical. I would have been more inclined to jump from the top floor of the Reserve Bank’s head office than to bring it back. Keeping it alongside the foreign currencies that had become legal tender would have infected the entire system and created distortions from which we would never have recovered. Getting rid of our dysfunctional local currency allowed more solid monetary regimes to become fully operational in our country, bringing in stability and rationality.


Reining in fiscal spending also required putting an end to the central bank’s gargantuan quasi-fiscal activities, and returning control of the purse strings to the MOF. This turned into trench warfare and took almost two years. The powers of the central bank first had to be legally clipped by amending the Reserve Bank Act. The Bank was to be stripped of its quasi-fiscal authority and to focus on managing monetary policy and the local currency, overseeing the financial sector and advising the government when asked to do so; but with the Zimbabwean dollar dead and buried, there was in fact no local currency to manage. The Bank’s Governor, Gideon Gono, was not going to see his authority so significantly diminished without a fight. And what a fight that was.


Sorting out the currency and putting an end to chronic “fiscalitis” went a long way to stop hyperinflation in its tracks. We watched and monitored inflation figures like a sick baby. We tracked every minute movement. Reining in public spending and runaway prices also provided solid foundations to rebuild the economy and repair public finances.

*1:ちなみにMostly Economicsの別のエントリでは、日本とジンバブエとの差は無い、と主張した投資会社の人の意見を紹介している。