
ぐぐってみると既にunrepresentative agentさんがディーン・ベーカーによる反論も含めて丁寧に解説されているが、マンキューが表題の問いに対する回答として以下の要旨のNBER論文ungated版)を紹介している。論文のタイトルは「The Impact of Unemployment Benefit Extensions on Employment: The 2014 Employment Miracle?」で、著者はMarcus Hagedorn(オスロ大学)、Iourii Manovskii(ペンシルベニア大学)、Kurt Mitman(ストックホルム大学)。

We measure the effect of unemployment benefit duration on employment. We exploit the variation induced by the decision of Congress in December 2013 not to reauthorize the unprecedented benefit extensions introduced during the Great Recession. Federal benefit extensions that ranged from 0 to 47 weeks across U.S. states at the beginning of December 2013 were abruptly cut to zero. To achieve identification we use the fact that this policy change was exogenous to cross-sectional differences across U.S. states and we exploit a policy discontinuity at state borders. We find that a 1% drop in benefit duration leads to a statistically significant increase of employment by 0.0161 log points. In levels, 1.8 million additional jobs were created in 2014 due to the benefit cut. Almost 1 million of these jobs were filled by workers from out of the labor force who would not have participated in the labor market had benefit extensions been reauthorized.