
昨日に続きHarald UhligのNBER論文をもう一つ紹介する。以下はChiara Fratto、Harald Uhlig(いずれもシカゴ大)の表題のNBER論文(原題は「Accounting for Post-Crisis Inflation and Employment: A Retro Analysis」)の要旨。

What accounts for inflation after 2008? We use the prominent pre-crisis Smets-Wouters (2007) model to address this question. We find that due to price markup shocks alone inflation would have been 1% higher than observed and 0.5% higher that the long-run average. Their standard deviation is similar to its pre-crisis level. Price markup shocks were also responsible for the slow recovery of employment, though not for the initial drop. Monetary policy shocks predict an inflation rate 0.5% below average. Government expenditure innovations do not contribute much either to inflation or to employment dynamics.
2008年以降のインフレの説明要因は何か? 我々は、有名な危機前のスメッツ=ウーターズ(2007)モデルを用いてこの問題に取り組んだ。我々は、価格マークアップショックだけならばインフレが観測されたよりも1%高く、長期平均よりも0.5%高かったであろうことを見出した。その標準偏差は危機前と似たようなものであった。価格マークアップショックは、雇用の最初の落ち込みの原因ではなかったが、その回復の遅れの原因ともなった。金融政策ショックは平均より0.5%低いインフレを予測した。政府支出の変化はインフレの動学にも雇用の動学にもあまり寄与しなかった。


There is a time-honored tradition in economics to construct new models in light of new events, discarding previously successful approaches. This is particularly so in light of the 2008 financial crisis. Much has been written about the failures of the pre-crisis models to incorporate financial frictions and much has happened in the literature since then. While we applaud (and participate) in these ongoing efforts, there also is the risk that the latest models fit well to the latest events because they have been designed this way and not because one might have constructed these models ex ante: the danger of overfitting is always present. For that reason, it may be good to take pause once in a while and use a prominent pre-crisis model to study a prominent post-crisis question. Let us call this a "retro analysis".


While price and wage markup shocks nearly suffice to account for the inflation movements prior to the crisis of 2008, a gap opens after that date. Indeed, by themselves they would have predicted a considerably higher inflation than what has been observed in the data. This answers a key question of this paper: there is no deflation and, actually, some inflation for the same reason that there was inflation at other times, namely price- and wage-markup shocks.



*2:論文ではその点について「The zero lower bound was hit in 2008, but after 2010 the interest rate suggested by the Taylor rule was actually higher than the one implemented by the Fed by one percent until the second part of 2012 (Figure 10).」と記述されており、差が1%あったように読めるが(「by one percent」)、実際に図10を見ると差は0.1%程度なので、誤記と思われる。