

The literature on banking has always been—like that on money—a troublesome literature. This goes back to economists’ feelings that the general competitive model, often labeled the Arrow-Debreu model, is the main model in economics. It’s very general. We don’t need to have a special theory of production for bookcases and a special theory for bottled water.

But when people try to shove banking into this model, it’s hugely unsuccessful. Why? Because anything that banks might be viewed as doing is redundant in that model. According to the Arrow-Debreu model, you face prices at which you can costlessly trade anything for anything. More generally, no activity that we see in the economy that has to do with transacting fits comfortably within that model. In particular, nothing in the GDP accounts that falls under the FIRE heading—finance, insurance, real estate—fits into that model.

Diamond-Dybvig overcame that. It was at the cost of abstracting from details that some people think are quite important. But still, it was a major breakthrough. It pointed out, for the first time, a social role for an entire illiquid financial system. Not just one bank, not just the banking system, it is a model of an entire economy. And it points out a social role for this economy to have a specific property of illiquidity—namely, if all these depositors try to withdraw at once, it’s in trouble.
Now, look at liquidity in a financial system. On the one hand, this Diamond-Dybvig model says that some degree of system illiquidity is desirable. But we’ve also got this moral hazard aspect of various explicit and implicit forms of insurance and we’ve got this general desire to oversell, to overstate the quality of what you’re trying to peddle.
しかし、銀行をこのモデルに放り込もうとすると、まるでうまくいきません。なぜでしょうか? その理由は、銀行が執り行うとされていることは、このモデルではすべて余計なこととなるからです。アロー=デブリューモデルでは、コスト無しにすべてのものを他のすべてのものと交換できる価格が提示されます。もっと一般的に言えば、取引と関係する経済事象でこのモデルにうまく当てはまるものは存在しないのです。とりわけ、FIREの頭文字のGDP項目――ファイナンス(finance)、保険(insurance)、不動産(real estate)――は、すべてこのモデルに当てはまりません。