
フィリップ・ディビッグ*1が35年前のダイアモンド=ディビッグモデルを振り返る、というインタビュー映像がYoutube上がっているMostly Economics経由のUtopia – you are standing in it!経由)。ディビッグが所属するワシントン大学オーリンビジネススクールの映像で、インタビュアーは同大学院の学長のマーク・テイラー(Mark Taylor)自身が務めている。

You write back in 1980s on this and I guess there hadn't been a bank run in the United States since the Great Depression - some fifty years or so earlier. So what made you think about this topic at that time?
Doug said "I think there are a lot of opportunities for modeling things in banking using game theory." And I responded "that sounded like a multiple equilibrium problem. I assume there's a paper about that." I don't think there was, and that was a small part of our paper in the end. I think if it had just been modeling bank runs as a rational multiple equilibrium problem, I don't think it would have had the kind of impact it has. I think what's more important about the paper is that we have a workhorse model of liquidity, and explain why liquidity is important and why it is that liquidity tends to cost the bank to be unstable.


So, just about 50 years before your paper was published, in 1933, Federal Deposit Insurance was created, right? I guess regulators thought that really had put an end to bank runs. Why doesn't that work?
Deposit insurance is good. Complete deposit insurance is better. We don't have complete deposit insurance. When we wrote the paper, actually this was an issue with some of the people we talked to. When Doug presented the paper at Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, there was somebody in the audience who said "Bank runs? Why are you interested in economic history?" There aren't any bank runs anymore, why do we care? I don't think there is anything wrong in doing economic history. I think it's interesting to look at that. But I think that you also learn from looking at past problems. (It is) what you need to do to avoid problems in the future.

あなた方の論文が出版されるちょうど50年前、1933年に、連邦預金保険が設立されましたよね? 監督当局者は、これで銀行取り付け騒ぎは無くなった、と考えたと思います。なぜそれは機能しなかったのでしょうか?
預金保険は良いものです。完全な預金保険はさらに良いものです。しかし完全な預金保険は存在していません。論文を書いた時に我々が話した人の中には、この点を問題にした人が実際にいました。ペンシルベニア大ウォートン校でダグが論文の内容を講演した時、聴衆の中に「銀行取り付け騒ぎ? なぜ経済史に興味を持つのです?」と言った人がいました。銀行取り付け騒ぎはもう起きないので、なぜ気にするのか、というわけです。そもそも経済史の研究をすることに問題があるとは思いません。そうした研究は興味深いものだと思います。それに、過去の問題を研究することによって得るものがあると思います。将来の問題を回避するために(それは)やっておくべきことです。

In terms of the the recent financial crisis, one role played in terms of liquidity it occurs to me was capital adequacy requirements. Does the Diamond-Dybvig model have anything to say about capital adequacy requirements?
I would say that we learn about capital adequacy in Diamond-Dybvig model isn't so much about the cyclical things that we're talking about. It's more that if you impose higher capital adequacy requirements then you're limiting the amount of liquidity creation that the banks can do. In Diamond-Dybvig, in order to have a stark example, we assume that the bank's assets are riskless. This is not a bug, it's a feature. The thing is that banks are unstable even if the assets are completely riskless. Everybody understands that banks can fail if the assets are risky, and if the assets are risky, there's a problem that if the asset value goes down enough, the bank's going to fail. What's interesting is that there's an intrinsic instability there even if the assets are riskless.




  • 預金保険
  • (あまり効率的ではないが)バンクホリデー
  • 中銀貸し出し


