
タイラー・コーエンが、「新しくおそらくは重要な論文(new and probably important paper)」として、ハーバードのMarc MelitzとプリンストンのStephen ReddingのNBER論文「Missing Gains from Trade?」を紹介している(Economist's Viewもリンクしている)。

The theoretical result that there are welfare gains from trade is a central tenet of international economics. In a class of trade models that satisfy a "gravity equation," the welfare gains from trade can be computed using only the open economy domestic trade share and the elasticity of trade with respect to variable trade costs. The measured welfare gains from trade from this quantitative approach are typically relatively modest. In this paper, we suggest a channel for welfare gains that this quantitative approach typically abstracts from: trade-induced changes in domestic productivity. Using a model of sequential production, in which trade induces a reorganization of production that raises domestic productivity, we show that the welfare gains from trade can become arbitrarily large.


Trade has a fractal-like property in this model, in which there are gains from trade at each intermediate stage of production. If one falsely assumes a single stage of production, when production is in fact sequential, these gains from trade at each intermediate stage show up as an endogenous increase in measured domestic productivity. As the number of production stages converges towards infinity, the welfare gains from trade become arbitrarily large. This captures the idea that trade involves myriad changes in the organization of production throughout the economy and the welfare costs from forgoing this pervasive specialization can be large.

As the domestic trade share for an individual production stage becomes arbitrarily small, the welfare gains from trade also becomes arbitrarily large. This captures the idea that some countries may have strong comparative advantages in some stages of production and the welfare losses from forgoing this specialization can be large.