

The FOMC could have chosen to adopt an "inflation-targeting framework," in which it would have specified an objective solely for inflation, without any explicit reference to employment. Such an approach has been adopted by a large number of central banks since the 1990s. While the FOMC had debated adopting an inflation target on a number of occasions since the mid-1990s, some Committee members believed that stating an explicit target for inflation alone would undermine the maximum-employment side of the dual mandate. In fact, some central banks that have been assigned a single mandate of inflation stabilization have struggled to explain how the goals of growth and financial stability figure into their inflation-targeting framework.


  • スヴェンソンの1999年の論文「Inflation Targeting as a Monetary Policy Rule」(WP
  • Jon FaustとDale W. Hendersonの2004年の論文「Is Inflation Targeting Best-Practice Monetary Policy?」

が挙げられているが、その2つの論文のいずれにおいても、スヴェンソンとFaustの2001年の共著論文「Transparency and Credibility: Monetary Policy with Unobservable Goals」(WP)の考察が引用されている。その考察についてFaust=Henderson(2004)では以下のように紹介している。

Faust and Svensson (2001) present an example in which inflation fluctuates narrowly around the optimum value, but due to lack of transparency about the nature of other goals the economy is significantly more volatile than under full transparency.



Whereas society almost always prefers more transparency to less, the central bank often prefers less transparency, since it allows the bank to pursue its idiosyncratic goals with less cost to its reputation. An obvious conclusion from this finding is that society, rather than the bank, should decide on the degree of transparency.
