その中でアベントはBISのことを、ハイエク的(ないしメロン的)な清算主義、と批判しているが、そのアベント論説を受けてDavid Glasnerが、BISはハイエクが40年近く前に捨てた立場に立脚している、と論じたのが面白い。
You ask whether I have changed my opinion about combatting secondary deflation. I do not have to change my theoretical views. As I explained before, I have always thought that deflation had no economic function; but I did once believe, and no longer do, that it was desirable because it could break the growing rigidity of wage rates. Even at that time I regarded this view as a political consideration; I did not think that deflation improved the adjustment mechanism of the market.
あなた(=ゴットフリード・ハーバラー[Gottfried Haberler])は、二次的なデフレと戦うことに関して私が意見を変えたかどうかをお尋ねになりました。その件に関する私の理論的な見解については、変える必要は無いと思います。先ほどご説明した通り、デフレは経済的機能を何ら持たない、というのが、以前からの私の変わらぬ考えです。ただ、以前は、賃金の硬直的な上昇に歯止めを掛けるという点でデフレは望ましい、と考えていました。今はもうそのようには考えていませんし、かつてそのように考えていた時も、それは政治的見解であると認識していました。デフレが市場の調整メカニズムを改善すると考えていたわけではありません。
Although central banks in many advanced economies may have no choice but to keep monetary policy relatively accommodative for now, they should use every opportunity to raise the pressure for deleveraging, balance sheet repair and structural adjustment by other means.
Glasnerは、この「債務削減やバランスシート修復や構造調整への圧力を高める」という表現は、ハイエクが上記講演で自ら否定した「賃金の硬直的な上昇に歯止めを掛ける」というデフレ志向の発想に現代的な装いを凝らしたものに過ぎない、と喝破し、「Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose」と嘆いている。
...in general central banks have been entrusted with demand management. Failures of elected officials must be dealt with through the political process, and central bank intervention in such matters represents a dangerous and unwarranted overreach.
Central bankers will inevitably face limits on what they can achieve. These limits will occasionally be due to political choices and will often be uncomfortable or unpleasant for those central bankers. For a central bank to neglect its primary responsibilities in an effort to circumvent those limits is the height of folly and hubris. If the world is lucky, central bankers will discount the recommendations of the BIS, will instead engage in a bit of self-examination, and will go back to figuring out how best to use their tools to shepherd demand toward potential. If the world is unlucky, central bankers will embrace the BIS' excuse-making and opt instead to place unnecessary pressure on politicians that are already facing plenty of it. In that event, tough times indeed are ahead, the advent of which may usher in a regime change in thinking about central bank structure, governance, and policy.