一方、German Marshall Fund of the United States(GMF)という組織のブログでは称賛の声が寄せられ、未来のEU大統領との呼び声まで掛かっている。また、同ブログのブロガーの中には、歴史的事例を巧みに盛り込んだその演説を分析した人もいる。それによると、昨日紹介したユーゴスラビアの事例を演説の冒頭に持ってきたことにより、その紛争時に30万人の難民を受け入れ、第二次大戦後初の軍事介入を余儀無くされたドイツ人の注目を確実に集めることができた、との由。
I started with a story of one experiment in political union, communist Yugoslavia.
Let me end with another: Europe’s least-known federation, the common state between Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which began in 1385 and lasted for over four centuries. Which is to say, longer, so far, than federations such as the United States, United Kingdom or Bundesrepublic Deutschland, to say nothing of the EU.
It was a Commonwealth which, like the EU, raised the standards of its time. It had a joint parliament and an elected head of state. Its political nation – those entitled to vote – comprised 10% of the population – the height of inclusiveness at the time. Religiously tolerant, it saved its people from the horrors of the Thirty Years’ War. Cities were founded on the Magdeburg law, many of them – like my home city of Bydgoszcz - by German settlers. Jews, Armenians and dissenters of all kinds from all over Europe voted with their feet to seek their fortunes there.
Liberty went hand in hand with military prowess. At Grunwald in 1410 its troops crushed the Teutonic Knights, whose heraldry lives on in the symbols of the German military. In 1683, at the gates of Vienna, we prevented the Ottoman Empire from uniting Europe under the banner of Islam.
And then, at the turn of 17th and 18th centuries, something changed. Elected kings, separate armies and currencies – couldn’t compete with unified, mercantilist, authoritarian nation states. The Commonwealth’s most democratic feature – the deputy of a single province could block legislation – became its biggest vulnerability. The principle of unanimity – admirable in a federal state – proved open to irresponsibility and corruption.
Poland eventually reformed itself. Our 3rd May Constitution of 1791 abolished unanimity, unified the state and created a permanent government. But reform came too late. We lost the war to defend the Constitution and in 1795 Poland was partitioned for over a century.
Moral of the story? When the world is shifting and new competitors arise, standing still is not sufficient. Institutions and procedures that have worked in the past are not enough. Incremental change is not enough. You have to adapt fast enough even to retain your position.
I believe we have the duty to save our great union from the fate of Yugoslavia, or the old Polish Commonwealth.(拙訳)
この話の教訓は何でしょうか? 世界が変動して新たな競争相手が現われた時には、何もしないのは得策ではない、ということです。過去にうまく機能していた制度や手続きではもはや対応できません。段階的な変化でも十分ではありません。自分の立ち位置を守るためだけにでも、素早く適応しなくてはならないのです。
The crisis is something that Germans only know from reading the newspaper–if at all. How are they to understand a sentence like this: “The breakup of the eurozone would be a crisis of apocalyptic proportions”? If is therefore understandable that the most relevant criticism of Sikorski heard in Berlin the morning after is directed at what locals perceive of as exaggerations. Is it really that bad? Break up? Come on. Isn’t Sikorski an alarmist of sorts?
So, let’s turn this around and assume that Sikorski is not an alarmist, but knows full well what he is talking about. But that, conversely, the echo chamber of Germany’s national conversation has produced an intolerable complacency. It would then be the merit of Sikorski’s wake-up call to have alerted the German public to the reality of their responsibility for the travails of the eurozone. Maybe the most important moment of his speech came when he reminded the audience that, despite Germany’s “understandable aversion to inflation,” the country would have to “appreciate that the danger of collapse is now a much bigger threat.” Maybe five individuals in the audience applauded. Other than that, there was complete and deafening silence. The audience wanted none of it. They did not want to hear the distinction of a problem of the first- and one of the second-order.
Radoslaw Sikorski said what needed to be said. And he said it where it needed to be said and when it needed to be said. Will the Germans hear him?
危機は、ドイツ人が把握しているとしても、新聞を通じてのみ把握しているものだ。彼らにどうして「ユーロ圏の解体は黙示録級の危機となろう」というような言葉が理解できようか? 従って、シコルスキ演説の翌朝にベルリンで聞かれた最も当を得た批判が、現地の人々が誇張と受け止めた部分に向けられたことは理解できる。そこまで状況は悪いの? 解体? まさか。シコルスキは騒ぎ過ぎなんじゃないの?
We are not only by far the world’s biggest economy but the largest area of peace, democracy and human rights. Peoples in our neighborhood – both East and South – look to us for inspiration. If we get our act together we can become a proper superpower. In an equal partnership with the United States, we can preserve the power, prosperity and leadership of the West.