というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「The Geography of Capital Allocation in the Euro Area」で、著者はRoland Beck(ECB)、Antonio Coppola(スタンフォード大)、Angus J. Lewis(同)、Matteo Maggiori(同)、Martin Schmitz(ECB)、Jesse Schreger(コロンビア大)。
We assess the pattern of Euro Area financial integration adjusting for the role of “onshore offshore financial centers” (OOFCs) within the Euro Area. The OOFCs of Luxembourg, Ireland, and the Netherlands serve dual roles as both hubs of investment fund intermediation and centers of securities issuance by foreign firms. We provide new estimates of Euro Area countries' bilateral portfolio investments which look through both roles, attributing the wealth held via investment funds to the underlying holders and linking securities issuance to the ultimate parent firms. Our new estimates show that the Euro Area is less financially integrated than it appears, both within the currency union and vis-a-vis the rest of the world. While official data suggests a sharp decline in portfolio home bias for Euro Area countries relative to other developed economies following the introduction of the euro, we demonstrate that this pattern only remains true for bond portfolios, while it is artificially generated by OOFC activities for equity portfolios. Further, using new administrative evidence on the identity of non-Euro Area investors in OOFC funds, we document that the bulk of the positions constituting missing wealth in international financial accounts are now accounted for by United Kingdom counterparts.
*1:導入部ではOOFCsという用語について「...policymakers and researchers have long lamented that assessing European financial integration has proved difficult because of heavily concentrated financial intermediation activities carried out in Ireland, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, whose scale has grown enormously over time... We refer to these three countries as “onshore offshore financial centers” (OOFCs), since they are onshore markets within the Euro Area, while at the same time their functioning parallels that of offshore financial centers. 」と説明している。
*2:アイルランド中銀とルクセンブルク金融監督委員会(CSSF)のデータを用いたとの由。CSSFについてはCommission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier - Wikipediaのほか監査監督上の協力に関するルクセンブルク金融監督委員会(CSSF)との書簡交換について:金融庁も参照。