
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「The Long-term Effects of Inflation on Inflation Expectations」で、著者はFabio Braggion(ティルブルフ大)、Felix von Meyerinck(チューリッヒ大)、Nic Schaub(WHUオットー・バイスハイム経営大学院)、Michael Weber(シカゴ大)。

We study the long-term effects of inflation surges on inflation expectations. German households living in areas with higher local inflation during the hyperinflation of the 1920s expect higher inflation today, after partialling out determinants of historical inflation and current inflation expectations . Our evidence points towards transmission of inflation experiences from parents to children and through collective memory. Differential historical inflation also modulates the updating of expectations to current inflation, the response to economic policies affecting inflation, and financial decisions. We obtain similar results for Polish households residing in formerly German areas. Overall, our findings are consistent with inflationary shocks having a long-lasting impact on attitudes towards inflation.

*1:本文の導入部では使用したコントロール変数について「Household controls, such as age, gender, and education, account for known determinants of inflation expectations, such as lifetime experiences (e.g., Malmendier and Nagel, 2016; Goldfayn-Frank and Wohlfahrt, 2020; Salle et al., 2023), gender-specific shopping habits (e.g., D’Acunto et al., 2021), and cognitive abilities (e.g., D’Acunto, Hoang, et al., 2019; D’Acunto, Hoang, et al., 2023; Fermand et al., 2023). By including historical local controls, such as the historical local unemployment rate, we account for town-level characteristics potentially correlated with historical local inflation (e.g., Braggion et al., 2023). County-time or state-time fixed effects hold constant observable and unobservable regional time-varying determinants of inflation expectations. 」と説明している。

*2:本文の導入部では「we find that higher local inflation in the 1920s is associated with a more pronounced adjustment to current inflation」と説明している。

*3:本文の導入部では「We find that households in areas with higher historical inflation react more strongly to the VAT increase, but not to the VAT reduction when updating their inflation expectations」と説明している。

*4:本文の導入部では「we find that households living in areas with higher historical inflation have a lower fraction of their financial wealth invested in bonds」と説明している。