
というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T Mostly Economicsungated版)。原題は「Trade War and Peace: U.S.-China Trade and Tariff Risk from 2015–2050」で、著者はGeorge A. Alessandria(ロチェスター大)、Shafaat Y. Khan(シラキュース大)、Armen Khederlarian(ニューヨーク市立大学ハンター校)、Kim J. Ruhl(ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校)、Joseph B. Steinbergトロント大)。

We use the dynamics of U.S. imports across goods in the period around the U.S.-China trade war with a model of exporter dynamics to estimate the dynamic path of the probability of transiting between Normal Trade Relations and a trade war state. We find (i) there was no increase in the likelihood of a trade war before 2018; (ii) the trade war was initially expected to end quickly, but its expected duration grew substantially after 2020; and (iii) the trade war reduced the likelihood that China would face Non-Normal Trade Relations tariffs in the future. Our findings imply that the expected mean future U.S. tariff on China rose more under President Biden than under President Trump. We also show that the trade response to the trade war is similar to the response to the 1980 liberalization that initially granted China access to U.S. markets at NTR terms and was expected to be quickly reversed.
我々は、米中貿易戦争を挟む期間における米国の各種の財輸入の推移と、輸出国の動学モデルを用いて、通常貿易関係と貿易戦争状態の間を推移する確率の動学的経路を推計した。我々は以下のことを見い出した。(i) 2018年以前には貿易戦争の可能性の増加は無かった。(ii) 貿易戦争は当初はすぐに終わると予想されていたが、その予想される期間は2020年以降に顕著に伸びた。(iii) 貿易戦争は、非通常貿易関係の関税に今後中国が直面する可能性を下げた*1。我々の発見は、中国に対する米国の今後の平均的な関税がバイデン大統領の下でトランプ大統領の下におけるよりも上昇したことを含意している*2。我々はまた、貿易戦争に対する貿易の反応は、当初通常貿易関係の条件で中国に米市場へのアクセスを与え、すぐに撤回されると予想された1980年の自由化に対する反応と似ていることを示す。


*1:これについて導入部では次のように説明している:「Prior to the trade war, since China was granted access to NTR tariffs in 1980, there existed a possibility of reverting to Non-Normal Trade Relations (NNTR) tariffs. This probability did not change with President Trump’s election, but it fell when the trade war began. This shift is identified by the behavior of the NNTR-gap elasticity: the elasticity of U.S. imports from China to the gap between NNTR and NTR tariffs. Like the trade-war gap elasticity, the NNTR-gap elasticity was stable before the trade war, but began to rise steadily after the trade war began. Because the trade-war gap and NNTR gap are orthogonal, this growth indicates a decline in the likelihood of reverting to NNTR. 」

*2:これについて導入部では次のように説明している:「Our analysis yields a time-varying forecast of the path of trade and trade policy. We use this forecast to quantify the separate contributions of the Trump and Biden administrations to changes in those paths. We find that, even though Trump raised tariffs and Biden only maintained those tariffs, Trump lowered the discounted expected mean tariff by 2.6 percentage points while Biden raised them by 1.6 percentage points. The lower discounted expected mean tariff under Trump is a result of the reduction in the likelihood of reverting to the NNTR tariff schedule and the high initial probability of a short trade war. The shift in expectations to a long trade war under Biden accounts for the increase in expected future tariffs.」