
昨日のエントリではIMFセミナーの場でのvoxeuによるロバート・ソローへのインタビューを紹介したが、こちらのサイトではIMF自身によるソローへのインタビューが掲載されている(Mostly Economics経由)。ただし時期は少し前(昨秋)で、場所もソローのMITの研究室との由*1


Solow believes there should be much greater interaction between cloistered university economists and those working in private sector research laboratories.

His suggestion to economists modeling technological progress is to spend some time in research laboratories to better appreciate the randomness of scientific progress and the interplay between the creative process and the incentives of profit-making firms. Solow should know: he served for eight years on the Science Advisory Committee of General Motors, where the research laboratories are “the size of a small university.”

“I’m convinced that the problem is there will always remain for economics an exogenous element in technological progress because there is an exogenous element in science. Any scientist or analytical engineer will tell you that when you work on something, you often end up solving a problem different from the one you thought you were working on. And so, from the point of view of economics, what comes out of science and engineering is exogenous. And there will always be that element, but the endogenous growth literature just doesn’t seem to me to be capturing that.”

