
という主旨のサンフランシスコ連銀論文が、Economist's ViewMostly Economics、そしてクルーグマンブログで取り上げられた。


In the recent recession and recovery, the unemployment rates, part-time employment trends, and earnings growth of recent college graduates have closely mirrored the patterns they displayed during the cyclical recession of 2001 and the subsequent jobless recovery. Recent college graduates are typically not subject to structural frictions that can contribute to weak labor markets, such as mismatches between the skills of job seekers and the needs of employers. Similarities in the labor market experiences of recent college graduates in the two recessions and recoveries suggest that the current high unemployment rate is primarily cyclical.


While I recognize that it is never easy to start out and find a job after you graduate, even from a great school like Oberlin, a few years ago it was a lot easier than it is now. Currently, the unemployment rate for college graduates under the age of 25 is running at almost 9 percent. Before the recession, that rate was under 5 percent. Unless you think that recent college graduates are less well-prepared than they were before the recession, I think it is reasonable to conclude that this is more evidence of cyclical rather than structural unemployment, and that a more rapidly growing economy should lead to more job growth.

しかし、この講演だけでは論拠としてやはり不十分ではないか、という感は否めない。Economist's ViewのMark Thomaもそう感じているようで、以下のようにコメントしている。

Data limitations likely prevented this, but I wish they could have looked at disaggregated data to see if graduates in any subset of disciplines are faring relatively better than in 2001. Given the aggregate numbers it's unlikely that there are individual sectors that are doing substantially better than in 2001, so I don't expect this would change the picture at all, but the disaggregated data would provide useful information and rebut (or not) the charge that aggregates are hiding important information.