COWEN: Political risk aside, which we’ve already discussed, what do you think is the number-one danger to the global economy right now? Is it corporate debt? Is it China? Is it Turkey plus Argentina? Something else?
KRUGMAN: I’ve been arguing that the next recession will be a smorgasbord recession. It will be a mix of all of these. There’s no one huge thing that stands out, but there’s a bunch of things where it looks like the Minsky financial cycle.
After a long period without shocks, people get complacent. They start extending themselves, taking risks, taking on leverage that creates new risks. That all tends to proliferate. The thing that makes it dangerous is not so much that there’s this one huge weakness as the fact that, in a typical recession, the Fed cuts interest rates by something like 600 basis points.
At the moment, the Fed only has 200 basis points to cut. It ties in with the question about secular stagnation, is the fact that we’re starting from a position of really low interest rates, which means that monetary policy is not very effective.
We’re accumulating no one huge problem in the economy, but arguably a bunch of smaller ones. If several of them come to a head together, then we’re set up for a very difficult business cycle again.
- コーエン
- 既にお話をさせて頂いた政治的リスクを除けば、今現在の世界経済にとって何が一番危険だと思われますか? 企業の負債でしょうか? 中国でしょうか? トルコとアルゼンチンの合わせ技でしょうか? それとも他の何かでしょうか?
- クルーグマン
- 私は次の景気後退はスモーガスボード景気後退になるだろう、と論じてきました。それらすべてのごった煮になるでしょう。突出して大きなものはありませんが、ミンスキーの金融循環を思わせる一連の出来事があります。