タイラー・コーエンがクルーグマンへのインタビューをmediumのConversations with Tylerシリーズに上げている(H/T Mostly Economics)。
COWEN: A few macro questions. How much do you worry about slowing population growth as a factor for an ongoing slowing of aggregate demand?
KRUGMAN: Very much. There’s a little story here. Larry Summers became famous for advocating the idea that we’re facing secular stagnation. I had written about the same time, or even a month or so earlier, along the same lines, except what I wrote was very poorly formulated and unreadable.
Larry came up with this crystal clear explanation of the issue. So he gets all the credit, and what’s even worse is he deserves it. So I get really pissed because I blew it on that one.
I think that the secular stagnation–type stories, the stories that say that, with falling population growth, we have a hard time generating enough investment demand to use the desired savings, so that interest rates tend to be low even when times are good and tend to hit the zero-bound way too often, is a good story.
It’s not 100 percent certain that it’s right, but I think it’s a good story. The first dress rehearsal for the difficulties that we’ve all had since 2008 was Japan. Japan famously is the place where declining working-age population kicked in well before it happened in the rest of the advanced world. I think it’s a big issue.
- コーエン
- マクロの質問を幾つかしたいのですが、現在の総需要の減速の要因として人口の伸びの減速についてどの程度懸念されていますか?
- クルーグマン
- 非常に懸念しています。これについてはちょっとした経緯があります。ラリー・サマーズは、我々は長期停滞に直面している、という考え方を提唱して有名になりました。私も概ね同時期、ないし、むしろ一カ月かそこら早く、同じようなことを書きました。ただ、私の書いたものは構成がかなり悪く、読みづらいものでした。