COWEN: Janet Yellen mentioned yesterday, I read, that the Fed may need to raise interest rates again at this point. If you view that matter different than she does, how would you trace that difference back to underlying frameworks?
KRUGMAN: That’s an interesting question because as far as I can tell . . .
COWEN: She’s very dovish. We all know, right?
KRUGMAN: Yeah. As far as I can tell, her framework is not very different from mine, and what my framework was telling me is, don’t raise rates because, actually, a somewhat higher inflation rate would be extremely useful. If you don’t raise rates now, you can get up to somewhat higher inflation, which means that you’ll have room to get real interest rates lower during the next slump, and that would be a good thing.
So why doesn’t Janet Yellen see it that way? My answer is that, for reasons that are less intellectual and more almost social, anyone who’s been associated with central banking is really wedded to the 2 percent inflation target.
If you accept that the 2 percent inflation target is sacrosanct, then yeah, there’s pretty reasonable grounds to think that, although inflation has been very low to come along, the chances that, if the Fed doesn’t raise rates further, inflation will start to creep noticeably above 2 percent are reasonable, reasonably high.
If you take that as your constraint — inflation must not be allowed to substantially exceed 2 percent — then yeah, you need to raise rates, but I don’t accept the starting premise.
- コーエン
- ジャネット・イエレンが昨日、FRBはこの時点でまた金利を上げる必要があるかもしれない、と言ったという話を読みました。その点について貴兄が彼女と違った見方をしているとすれば、その違いを根底にある枠組みにまでどのように遡りますか?
- クルーグマン
- それは興味深い質問です。というのは、私の知る限り…
- コーエン
- 彼女はかなりのハト派です。我々は皆そのことを知っていますよね?
- クルーグマン
- そうです。私の知る限り、彼女の枠組みは私のものとそれほど違いません。そして私の枠組みが私に伝えているのは、幾分高いインフレ率は実際のところ非常に有用なので、金利を上げるな、ということです。今金利を上げなければ、幾分高いインフレにまで到達することができ、従って次の不況期に実質金利を低くする余地が出てきます。それは良いことです。
ではなぜジャネット・イエレンはそのように物事を見ないのでしょうか? 私の答えは、知的というよりもほとんど社交的な理由によって、中央銀行と関係があった人は誰もが2%インフレ目標に固執してしまう、というものです。