
昨日のエントリに盛り込もうと思ったが、長くなったので割愛したTim Duyの最近の論説を以下に補足しておく。

(本石町日記さんのブログへのコメントでは、この最初の二段落にTim Duy自身の意見が表れている、と指摘させて頂いた)

Policymakers are increasingly stuck between a rock and a hard place. It is likely the recovery remains intact, but at a pace that will fall short of policymakers expectations. Just how far short? That is the key question. In the absence of a fresh financial crisis, in my mind the most likely outcome is that the US economy limps along not unlike the path in the wake of the 2001 recession. Recall that what ultimately pulled the economy off its feet earlier this decade was the housing bubble. There is likely no bubble to pull us out this time.
And an economy that just limps along will put both monetary and fiscal policymakers in a tight position. With interest rates already at rock bottom, monetary policy options of any significance are limited unless the Fed is ready to pump up the money supply via either a commitment to higher inflation or the targeting of long term interest rates. And on the fiscal side, policy is limited by deficit fears. Lacking a clear downward turn in the economy, there is no willpower for large scale stimulus. Which means this: An economy that limps along is on a certain path to a lost decade if policymakers remain incapable of decisive action.

Ahead of a Busy Week - Tim Duy's Fed Watch

政策当局者はますます難しい立場に追い込まれている。景気回復はこのまま腰折れなく進むと思われるものの、その回復のペースは政策当局者の期待には及ばない。どのくらい及ばないかって? そこが重要な問題だ。私の考えでは、新たな金融危機が起きない限り、米国経済にとって最もありそうなパターンは、2001年の景気後退後と似たような経路をびっこを引きながら進むことだ。2000年代前半に最終的に景気を回復させたのは住宅バブルだったことを想起されたい。今回はそのようなバブルの助けは期待できそうにない。


Separately, Felix Salmon opines that the debate has already been decided:

Bernanke is a consensus builder, as Krugman knows, having been part of the Princeton economics department during Bernanke’s tenure as its head. And it may or may not make sense for the Fed to ease much more aggressively. But so long as that remains outside the general consensus, Bernanke’s not going to do it.

Salmon believes that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke - a Republican - will not break from that party's consensus that too much has been done already. Some of Bernanke's defenders may find that paints a too narrow view of his motivations. But Salmon also notes that even Democrats are not eager for additional policy action. If the White House is not willing to push for more, why should Bernanke, especially when it will apparently require him to expend political capital internally?
If Salmon's thesis is correct, it is a particularly sad outcome given Bernanke's own words from 2002:

In short, Japan's deflation problem is real and serious; but, in my view, political constraints, rather than a lack of policy instruments, explain why its deflation has persisted for as long as it has. Thus, I do not view the Japanese experience as evidence against the general conclusion that U.S. policymakers have the tools they need to prevent, and, if necessary, to cure a deflationary recession in the United States.

Politics could be every bit a problem in the United States as it has been in Japan. More to the point, it already is.

A Deepening Divide? - Tim Duy's Fed Watch



共和党員であるベン・バーナンキFRB議長が、もう政策はやりすぎなほど実施された、という党のコンセンサスを裏切ることはないだろう、とサーモンは見ている。バーナンキの擁護者の中には、そうした見方を、バーナンキの動機を余りに狭く解釈するもの、と受け止める者もいるかもしれない。しかしサーモンは、民主党でさえ追加的な政策に消極的であることも指摘している。ホワイトハウスが積極的でないならば、どうしてバーナンキが積極的になろうか? ましてや、そうした積極姿勢がFRB内部での政治的立場を賭けたものになることが明らかだというのに?


