

ここで注意すべきは、サーモンのエントリのコメント欄で指摘されているように、ボーンはいきなり規制に乗り出そうとしたわけではない、という点である。まず店頭デリバティブ市場の実態を把握したい、ということで、コンセプトペーパーという調査票を発行しようとしたところ、それすらルービン、サマーズ、グリーンスパンらの猛反対に遭って潰された、というのが真相のようである。その点は、そのコメンターがリンクしたEconomics of Contemptの約1年前のエントリ*2で以下のように指摘されている。

Born issued a "concept release," which merely asked questions about the OTC derivatives markets. The concept release didn't propose even one regulation, and actually went to great lengths to emphasize that it wasn't proposing any regulations.

The concept release essentially asked the financial industry for its analysis of the costs/benefits of a broad range of regulatory approaches to OTC derivatives. For some reason, the entire financial industry flipped out. Just look at how much the concept release bent over backwards to emphasize that it was purely informational, and should not be interpreted as a regulatory proposal:

The Commission urges commenters to analyze the benefits and burdens of any potential regulatory modifications in light of current market realities. The Commission has no preconceived result in mind. The Commission is open both to evidence in support of easing current restrictions and evidence indicating a need for additional safeguards. The Commission also welcomes comment on the extent to which certain matters are being or can be adequately addressed through self-regulation, either alone or in conjunction with some level of government oversight, or through the regulatory efforts of other government agencies.

Sound the alarms!
Seriously though, we had clients calling the firm all week long flipping out about the concept release—which they usually referred to as "the new OTC derivatives regulations." They were allegedly concerned about the legal status of existing OTC derivatives, even though the concept release clearly stated that any new regulations would be "applied prospectively only," and that:

This release in no way alters the current status of any instrument or transaction under the Commodity Exchange Act. All currently applicable exemptions, interpretations, and policy statements issued by the Commission regarding OTC derivatives products remain in effect, and market participants may continue to rely upon them.

The way that Greenspan, Rubin, Arthur Levitt, and Larry Summers treated Born was particularly appalling. As regulators, they should have immediately realized how benign and non-threatening Born's concept release was. And even if they had substantive disagreements with her, they should never have aired those disagreements in public. The whole thing reeked of sexism.

Economics of Contempt: Brooksley Born






この後の文章で、Economics of Contemptは、ボーンに対する賛辞を連ねている。その点では、彼が(ボーンと昨年のProfile in Courage Awardを共同受賞した)シーラ・ベアを口を極めて罵っているのと対照的である。




*3:Economics of Contemptは金融関係の弁護士。