
cf. これ



archives of bewaad institute@kasumigaseki(2006-10-14)



Alex returned to Cornell in the Fall of 1987 to finish his senior year, graduating in 1988. With RESULTS’ help, he was accepted as the first Fulbright scholar at the Grameen Bank. He went to Bangladesh in December 1988 and was there for ten months. His letters back to RESULTS were copied and mailed to RESULTS groups all over the world, where they were read aloud, with great interest, by the volunteers. During this period, friends forwarded some of Alex’s letters to CBS television, and the producers of CBS’Sixty Minutes show became interested in taping a segment for their show. Alex helped to organize the taping of the show, which aired in 1990 and became the first major national media coverage of a microenterprise organization.


Interestingly, while RESULTS’ fundamental successes with the media have been with the print media, some of RESULTS’ greatest media successes have come with electronic media. One example in the microenterprise area came in 1989, when contacts generated by RESULTS staff and Alex Counts (then in Bangladesh) resulted in a request by the Sixty Minutes show to tape a segment on the Grameen Bank. Given the green light, the show sent Morley Safer and two camera crews from Rome and London to Bangladesh in June 1989. One hundred hours of footage were shot and boiled down to a 12-minute segment entitled Banking on the Poor. The segment was first aired in March 1990 and was repeated many more times on television. In videotape form, it has been shown thousands of times at conferences, forums, and meetings throughout the world and has been one of the major media supports for building the microfinance movement. In his book, Professor Yunus described the impact of the show:
“…the segment became an instant hit. I had never fully realized the power of the media until then. Even today [1999], we receive letters and phone calls from around the world when the show is rebroadcast. In just twelve minutes, CBS had brought out the essence of Grameen in a most inspiring way. The film moved people to action and activism more than any other media coverage before or since.
興味深いことに、RESULTSのメディアでの成功は基本的には紙のメディアにおいてだったのだが、RESULTSが最もメディアで成功した事例の幾つかは電子メディアにおけるものだった。マイクロ起業におけるそうした例の一つは、1989年に起きた。RESULTSのスタッフとアレックス・カウンツ(当時バングラディッシュにいた)による接触が、グラミン銀行を取り上げたいという60ミニッツの要望につながった。ゴーのサインが出ると、60ミニッツは1989年6月にモーリー・セイファーと2台のカメラクルーをローマとロンドンからバングラディッシュに派遣した。撮影時間は100時間に上り、それがBanking on the Poorと題された12分の番組にまとめられた。番組は1990年3月に最初に放送され、その後何回も再放送された。ビデオテープの形では、世界中のコンファレンスやフォーラムや会合で何千回も上映され、マイクロファイナンス運動の構築に対するメディアによる主要な支援の一つとなった。著書の中で、ユヌス教授は番組の影響を次のように述べている。