
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Limits of Propaganda: Evidence from Chavez's Venezuela」で、著者はBrian Knight(ブラウン大)、Ana Tribin(コロンビア中銀)。

We investigate these issues using high-frequency television ratings data from the country of Venezuela, where Hugo Chavez and his successor have routinely used cadenas, speeches by government officials that are required to be aired live by all broadcast television channels. Thus, during a cadena, viewers watching television face the same programming on every broadcast channel. Importantly, these cadenas are not announced in advance to viewers, providing an experiment through which to examine short-run responses, in terms of changes in viewership, to government propaganda. In addition, cadenas were not required to be aired by cable channels during our sample period, allowing us to examine whether households with larger choice sets are more likely to tune out. Finally, broadcast channels in Venezuela cover the political spectrum and can be naturally categorized as either opposition or pro-government. This allows us to examine whether tuning out is more common among opposition viewers, who, as we document, are more likely to watch opposition news programming.


We then test these predictions using data on television ratings from Venezuela. These data cover the years 2006 and 2007 and are high-frequency in nature (i.e. day-by-day and show-by-show). Consistent with the first prediction of the model, we find that the drop off in viewership when transitioning from news programming to cadenas is more significant for the opposition channel than for the government channel. Consistent with second prediction of the model, we find that the drop off in viewership for news programming on the moderate channel takes an intermediate value, between that of opposition channels and that of government channels. Next, focused on the outside option, we find that, consistent with the model, cable viewership rises during cadenas and that the drop off in viewership is more significant for those with access to cable.