
何だか2chスレタイ風のタイトルになってしまったが、マイケル・J・ロバーツというノースカロライナ州立大学准教授がそう書いている(Economist's View経由)。


So now Krugman says inflation targeting is the first-best solution to our economic problems. This is consistent with everything he wrote about Japan over a decade ago, and also consistent with a wide majority of non-crazy macro economists across the political spectrum.

So why on earth has he not said this a lot more starting a long time ago? ... Krugman blames stupid economics. He just sees misguided conventional wisdom against inflation as too much to overcome.

Huh? Krugman--the man who boldly, clearly, and effectively challenges establishment views on EVERYTHING--gets weak knees when it comes to inflation targeting?

I see and get that inflation is a four-letter word among some crazy economists and much of the media. But that's exactly why Krugman should be writing about it. Bernanke must have sympathy for this this view. After all, it is what he spent much of his academic career advocating. Conservative economists Ken Rogoff and perhaps Greg Mankiw would even back him, and many others on both sides of the political fence.

I'm annoyed because I think Krugman is in a unique position to raise the level of debate. If he wrote about inflation targeting a lot, others would have to agree with him or not. And those who didn't eventually would have had to back up their positions. If Krugman started boldly with this line of attack a year ago I think there's a chance we'd be in a better place right now.

Greed, Green & Grains: Krugman: Inflation targeting is the first best solution


では一体全体なぜ彼はもっと早くそのことを声高に言わなかったのだろう? ・・・クルーグマンはそれを馬鹿な経済学のせいにしている。インフレ嫌いの誤った世間知は、到底克服不可能と考えたわけだ。

ハァ? 既存の物の見方に大胆かつ明確かつ効果的に挑戦する男たるクルーグマンが、ことインフレ目標となると腰が引けてしまうわけ?




Krugman should have been advocating monetary stimulus all along. The real problem is that his allies in government; Obama, Pelosi, Reid, etc., don’t even know the first best option exists. And how could they? How often is monetary stimulus mentioned in columns written by liberal pundits? If they realized that they were about to get decimated in the 2010 midterm elections because a few nutty right-wingers at the Fed think the economy needs less stimulus, not more, there would be outrage in Congress and the Administration. They’d be marching down to the Fed (metaphorically of course, to avoid looking heavy-handed) and make it very clear that the Fed needs to produce robust growth in aggregate demand or else there will be big changes in the way the Fed is set up and regulated. If they don’t seem “receptive,” then quietly tell the FOMC; “Think the Dodd bill is bad? You can’t even imagine how much worse we can make it.”
How can we get the people in power to understand what is going on? There is one person who understands what monetary policy can do, who understands Woodford’s views, who understands Svensson’s views, and who also has a news column read by every single influential person in government. Do I even need to tell you who I am talking about?


クルーグマンはずっと金融による刺激策を唱えているべきだったのだ。本当の問題は、オバマペロシ、リード等の政府内の彼の味方が最善策の存在すら知らない点にある。どうして知り得ようか? リベラル派の有識者が書くコラムで、金融刺激策がどれだけ言及されたというのだ? もし、少数のいかれたFRBタカ派が経済への刺激をもっと増やすどころか減らすべきと考えているために2010年の中間選挙で大敗するのだということが分かったら、議会と政府内で怒りが広がるだろう。彼らはFRBに行進を掛け(もちろん政治介入と取られないために比喩的な形でだが)、FRBが総需要の堅実な成長をもたらさなければ、FRBの在り方と監督に大幅な変更が加えられるであろうことを明確にするだろう。もしFRBが「受け入れ」に難色を示せば、FOMCに静かにこう言うだろう。「ドッド金融改革法案が悪いと思うかい? さらにどれだけ悪くなり得るか想像も付くまい。」
権力の座にある人々に、実際に何が起きているかどうやって理解させるべきか? 金融政策に何ができるか理解し、ウッドフォードの見方を理解し、スヴェンソンの見方を理解し、政府で影響力を持つ人間が皆読んでいる新聞のコラムを書いている人物が一人いる。誰のことかは言うまでも無かろう。