
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Calculating the Costs and Benefits of Advance Preparations for Future Pandemics」で、著者はRachel Glennerster(シカゴ大)、Christopher M. Snyder(ダートマス大)、Brandon Joel Tan(IMF)。

The Covid-19 pandemic is estimated to have caused over 7 million deaths and reduced economic output by over $13 trillion to date. While vaccines were developed and deployed with unprecedented speed, pre-pandemic investments could have accelerated their widespread introduction, saving millions of lives and trillions of dollars. Combining estimates of the frequency and intensity of pandemics with estimates of mortality, economic-output, and human-capital losses from pandemics of varying severities, we calculate expected global losses from pandemics of over $800 billion annually. According to our model, spending $60 billion up front to expand production capacity for vaccines and supply-chain inputs and $5 billion every year thereafter would be sufficient to ensure production capacity to vaccinate 70% of the global population against a new virus within six months, generating an expected net present value (NPV) of over $400 billion. A proportionate advance-investment program undertaken by the United States alone would generate an expected NPV of $47 billion ($141 per capita).


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Covid-19 Learning Loss and Recovery: Panel Data Evidence from India」で、著者はAbhijeet Singh(ストックホルム商科大学)、Mauricio Romero(メキシコ自治工科大学)、Karthik Muralidharan(UCサンディエゴ)。

We use a panel survey of ~19,000 primary-school-aged children in rural Tamil Nadu to study ‘learning loss’ after COVID-19-induced school closures, and the pace of recovery after schools reopened. Students tested in December 2021 (18 months after school closures) displayed learning deficits of ~0.7σ standard deviations in math and ~0.34σ standard deviations in language compared to identically-aged students in the same villages in 2019. Two-thirds of this deficit was made up within 6 months after school reopening. Further, while learning loss was regressive, the recovery was progressive. A government-run after-school remediation program contributed ~24% of the cohort-level recovery, and likely aided the progressive recovery.


というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Deposit and Credit Reallocation in a Banking Panic: The Role of State-Owned Banks」で、著者はViral V. Acharya(NYU)、Abhiman Das(インド経営大学院アーメダバード校)、Nirupama Kulkarni(CAFRAL)、Prachi Mishra(IMF)、Nagpurnanand R. Prabhala(ジョンズホプキンズ大)。

We study a bank run in India in which private bank branches experience sudden and considerable loss of deposits that seek safety in state-owned public sector banks (PSBs). We trace the consequences of this reallocation using granular data on bank-firm relationships and branch balance sheets. The flight to safety is not a flight to quality. Lending shrinks and credit quality improves at the run banks but worsens at the recipient PSBs. The effects are pronounced in weaker PSBs, the ones more likely to exploit the shelter of state ownership. The resource reallocation is inefficient in the aggregate.


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Covid-19 Baby Bump: The Unexpected Increase in U.S. Fertility Rates in Response to the Pandemic」で、著者はMartha J. Bailey(UCLA)、Janet Currie(プリンストン大)、Hannes Schwandt(ノースウエスタン大)。

We use restricted natality microdata covering the universe of U.S. births for 2015-2021 and California births from 2015 to August 2022 to examine the childbearing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although fertility rates declined in 2020, these declines appear to reflect reductions in travel to the U.S. Childbearing in the U.S. among foreign-born mothers declined immediately after lockdowns began—nine months too soon to reflect the pandemic’s effects on conceptions. We also find that the COVID pandemic resulted in a small “baby bump” among U.S.-born mothers. The 2021 baby bump is the first major reversal in declining U.S. fertility rates since 2007 and was most pronounced for first births and women under age 25, which suggests the pandemic led some women to start their families earlier. Above age 25, the baby bump was also pronounced for women ages 30-34 and women with a college education, who were more likely to benefit from working from home. The data for California track the U.S. data closely and suggest that U.S. births remained elevated through the third quarter of 2022.



A somewhat belated response to Adam Tooze's uncharacteristically ill-tempered response to the latest economics Nobel 1/
In large part Tooze is saying that it was all in Bagehot, Minsky and Kindleberger, and that belatedly acknowledging what everyone should have known doesn't deserve celebration. This shows a surprising lack of understanding of the role models play in economic thinking 2/
Now, I'm all in favor of economists paying attention to what smart, observant people who don't do formal models have to say. When I wrote about doing economics way back in 1991, my first principle was "Listen to the Gentiles" 3/ https://web.mit.edu/krugman/www/howiwork.html
But my last principle was "Simply, simplify". Richly layered discussions of economics and finance can contain valuable insights, but are much more useful when you have clear, stylized models to help figure out what's important 4/
To take one big example, Minsky in the raw is almost unreadable: the valuable morsels of insight are smothered in a thick stew of indigestible prose. It only makes sense if you have some clear, simple stories — not necessarily formal models — to help you pick out key themes 5/
Charles Kindleberger, by contrast, was an elegant and witty writer. But it could be hard to figure out what was really crucial. I actually took his international finance course in grad school; all of us came out feeling very confused 6/
Then Rudi Dornbusch, with his crystal-clear models, arrived at MIT, and a funny thing happened: not only was Rudi's approach an inspiration, but once you learned how to do clear models, Kindleberger's insights began to make sense too 7/
Maybe useful to talk about the "New Trade Theory" I and others developed in the early 80s. There had long been a sort of counterculture in the analysis of international trade, a sense that Ricardo and Heckscher-Ohlin weren't the whole story 8/
In fact, even orthodox trade people often cited Burenstam Linder's "Essay on Trade and Transformation", out of a sense that there was something there — but it was hard to say what 9/ https://ex.hhs.se/dissertations/221624-FULLTEXT01.pdf
It took clever little models of trade with increasing returns and imperfect competition to cut through the fog, to understand key points like the nature of the home market effect, why similar countries trade so much, the role of accident in shaping trade patterns, and more 10/
On bank runs: of course everyone knew that they happened and did harm. But there was a lot of confusion — people thinking that runs necessarily reflected mob psychology, that they mattered only because they reduced the money supply, etc. 11/
Diamond-Dybvig-Bernanke, with minimalist models of how bank runs could happen and matter, again cut through the fog. After DDB economists could read Bagehot very differently and more productively than before 12/
One final point: Tooze says that economists failed to appreciate the role of financial instability. I guess that depends on which economists we're talking about. International macro, one of my two home fields, has been acutely aware of instability from the get-go 13/
There's a large literature on currency crises, theoretical and empirical, with much of that literature emphasizing how crises can blow out of seemingly nowhere and prove self-fulfilling. In 2008 intl macro people were surprised by the particulars, but not by the possibility 14/
And while I can't prove it, I'd argue that the clarity created by models helped prevent financial meltdowns in both 2008 and 2020 fin/
adamtooze.substack.com *2
なお、正式なモデルには携わらないが賢くて観察力が鋭い人が言うことに関心を払う経済学者を私は全面的に支持する。遡ること1991年に経済学の研究について書いたとき、私の最初の原則は「異教徒に耳を傾けろ」というものだった。https://web.mit.edu/krugman/www/howiwork.html *3
実際のところ、正統派の貿易学者も、ブレンスタム・リンダー*4の「貿易と転換についてのエッセイ」を良く引用した。何かがそこにあると考えたからだが、それが何かを言うのは難しかった。 https://ex.hhs.se/dissertations/221624-FULLTEXT01.pdf *5

*1:アダム・トゥーズ - Wikipedia



*4:cf. Staffan Burenstam Linder - Wikipedia




  • まず、以下の2点についてはタカ派に同意。
    1. 金融財政政策の担当者が最近のインフレ高騰に一部責任があるというのには同意。マンキュー自身、2021年2月のNYT論説で経済過熱について警告していた。
    2. それなりの金融引き締めが必要ということにも同意。特に財政政策の担当者が総需要を減らす手助けをほぼ行っていない状況ではそう。学生ローンの免除は逆方向だし、いわゆるインフレ抑制法も役に立たない政治的煙幕に過ぎない
  • 問題は、どの程度の金融引き締めが必要か、ということ。この問題は難しく、その答えを確かに知っている、という人は自分もしくは他人に対して正直でない。これが難しい理由は、金融政策が顕著なラグを以って効くからである。最近のFRBの引き締めがインフレにまだ効果をあまり発揮していないことに驚きはなく、FRBはもっと大幅に引き締める必要がある、と考えるべき理由はない。FRBは、引き締め開始をインフレが顕在化するまで待った、という過ちを犯した。引き締めサイクルの終了をインフレが目標に戻るまで待つ、というのも同様の間違いである。
  • テイラールールはこの問題をカリブレートする一つのやり方を示している。この経験則によれば、インフレの1パーセンテージポイント上昇ごとに実質金利は0.5パーセンテージポイント上昇する必要がある。直近に生じた、ならびに近い将来に予想される金融政策の変化を織り込んだ5年TIPSの利回りは、過去1年に330ベーシスポイント上昇した。テイラールールによれば、インフレが6.6パーセンテージポイント上昇したならばこれは適切となる。実際はどうか?
  • その答えはどのインフレ指標を見るかによる。CPIを見れば答えはイエスで、インフレ高騰はそうした大幅な金融引き締めを正当化する。しかしそのインフレ高騰の一部は一時的な供給サイドのイベントに起因している(“インフレは一時的だよ”チームは間違っていたが、完全に間違っていたわけではない)。賃金インフレの上昇は3パーセンテージポイントに留まる*1。現時点のインフレ圧力の指針と考えられるこの指標によれば、金融引き締めはもっと小幅で良かった。
  • それに関連した問題は、r*とも呼ばれる正常な実質金利は、FRBが以前考えていたよりも高いのか、という問題である。その可能性はあるが、最近のブルッキングス論文*2で説明したように、実質金利の低下を説明する長期的な構造変化が生じているのではないか、という考えを自分は取っている。そうした力は今後もr*を低く抑えるだろう。
  • 自分が注目しているもう一つのデータ系列は、最近流行らないが、マネーサプライ*3である。M2はインフレの大幅上昇に先立って急増した。ジェレミー・シーゲル(Jeremy Siegel)のようにマネーサプライをウォッチしている経済学者は、インフレ高騰を真っ先に警告した。しかし過去1年のM2増加は3.1%に留まる。
  • 金融引き締めが世界中で起きているというのがもう一つの考慮すべき要因。テイラールールのような標準的な金融ルールは、国際的な連関を明示的に織り込んでいないが、そうすべきかもしれない。来たるべき米経済の収縮は、部分的には海外中銀のせいである。それがどの程度かを言うのは難しいが。
  • ということで、自分がFRB理事の一人ならば、徐々にブレーキを緩めることを推奨するだろう。つまり次回の決定局面で、引き上げ幅を例えば50ベーシスと75ベーシスのどちらにするかで議論になったら、小幅な方を選べ、ということだ。
  • 現時点では景気後退はほぼ確実と思われるが、その一因は、FRBが以前の見誤りにより金融政策をあまりにも長くあまりにも緩和的にしたためである。景気後退を必要以上に深刻化して得るものは何もない。二番目の間違いは最初の間違いを打ち消すのではなく悪化させることになるだろう。

*1:ここでマンキューはサマーズが推奨したWage Growth Trackerを見てサマーズと逆の結論を導き出している。

*2:cf. 低金利時代の政府債務と資本蓄積 - himaginary’s diary




I am disappointed by the tendentious & selective analysis of team transitory acolytes who keep finding new arguments for their conclusion that inflation is @ to subside & policy should be dovish. I focus on @paulkrugman because he is so clear & smart. 1/N
Opinion | Wonking Out: What’s Really Happening to Inflation?
@paulkrugman now focuses on housing and the well-known point that government indices lag private sector indices of newly leased residences. Therefore, he argues one should not worry about projected high inflation rates because they are driven by housing. 2/N
@paulkrugman would be more convincing if he had focused on the housing distortion when it was holding overall inflation down in 2021. He would be more credible if he acknowledged that new rental price inflation of his cited measure (Zillow) is still running at 6 percent. 3/N
He would also be more credible if he pointed out that lags apart there was a large gap between the level of residential prices measured by the private sector and government. These have historically moved together, and I’d guess the official indices will catch up. 4/N
@paulkrugman would also be more convincing if he acknowledged that dropping out the median observation in a group of observations does not change its median. 5/N
In the @nytimes op-ed, @paulkrugman then shifts his attention to the labor market as a guide to underlying inflation. I agree that wages are a kind of super core measure of inflation. 6/N
Paul focuses on average hourly earnings in the employment survey. He neglects to point out that it is badly flawed by composition effects. Nor does he observe that better indices like the Wage Growth Tracker and the ECI suggest a much less benign picture of wage inflation. 7/N
Having stressed the distinction between new and continuing prices in the context of housing where it works to allay inflation concerns, Paul neglects it in the context of wage inflation. 8/N
The gap between wage gains for those changing jobs and those staying in jobs is at record levels. This suggests accelerating wage inflation. 9/N
Given dismal productivity growth, likely caused by quiet quitting, wage inflation will have to come down significantly if sustained months near 2 percent inflation is to be attained. I do not understand the basis for believing this is likely without a meaningful recession. 10/10


ポールは雇用調査の平均時給に焦点を当てる。それが構成効果によって大いなる欠陥を抱えていることを指摘することを彼は怠っている。Wage Growth Tracker*1や雇用コスト指数のようなより優れた指標が賃金インフレについてそれほどよろしくない図を描いていることも彼は見ていない。



このサマーズの連ツイに対しクルーグマンは、こちらのツイートで、昨年自分が間違っていたことを改めて認めるとともに、賃料が未だ6%で上がっていると考える不動産関係者はいないのでは、と述べている。また、静かなる退職ではなく実際の退職が――人の出入りに伴う混乱により――生産性の低下をもたらしているのではないか、というAdam Ozimekのツイートリツイートしている*2。さらにこちらのツイートでは、今の新規物件の賃料インフレは3%という数字を示したゴールドマンサックスのレポートを基に、中央値インフレが住宅サービスインフレに近いとすればそれも3%になっているし、エネルギーと食料を除いた従来型のコアインフレは過去3か月6%だが、その4割を占める住宅サービスが8%ではなく3%だとすると従来型コアインフレは4%程度ということになる、という試算を示している*3

*1:cf. Wage Growth Tracker - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


*3:この点について、こちらのツイートでは、ゴールドマンも継続賃料については2023年に6%を予測しているではないか、というWSJのNick Timiraosの指摘に反論し、生計費ではなく経済の過熱度合いを測るコアインフレの概念からすると、過去を反映した継続賃料を、現状を示す形に補正する必要があるのだ、という点を改めて強調している。また、こちらのツイートでは、経済統計局とFRBの人が共著した(ここクルーグマンが参照した)論文が使用したデータやCPIの賃料を見ると、賃料全体の2020年初からの累積の伸び(14%台)は新規賃料のそれ(11%台)と3-4%程度しか違わない、ということを指摘したOzimekのツイートに反応し、それが本当ならば住宅サービスの今後のインフレは限定的ということになるし、いずれにしろ賃料インフレはコロナ禍前に戻りつつある(一時的かもしれないが新規賃料はむしろ下がっている)ので、労働統計局のデータは経済の過熱を示してはいない、と述べている。