というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Do Workers Undervalue COVID-19 Risk? Evidence from Wages and Death Certificate Data」で、著者はCong T. Gian, Sumedha Gupta、Kosali I. Simon、Ryan Sullivan、Coady Wing(Sullivanは海軍大学院、他はインディアナ大)*1。
Our latest research on “Do Workers Undervalue COVID-19 Risk – Evidence from Wages and Death Certificate Data” has been accepted in the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty! Joint work with @RyanSul03070993 @DrSumedhaGupta, @KosaliSimon and @coady_wing
As COVID-19 mortality surged in 2020-2021, the virus quickly became a critical workplace hazard, particularly for essential workers and those in high-contact occupations. In contrast, remote work and office-based jobs saw much lower levels of risk
Economic theory suggests that increased risk should lead to compensating differentials. Our findings reveal that labor markets did respond to these heightened health risks by adjusting equilibrium wages.
However, workers appeared to undervalue COVID-19 risks compared to traditional physical hazards- even though, as the saying goes, a death is a death.
This may be due to incomplete information, the availability of remote work, or wage rigidity despite greater sectoral reallocations in the US labor market than EU countries.
我々の最新の研究「労働者はコロナ禍のリスクを過小評価しているのか? 賃金と死亡診断書のデータによる実証結果」がジャーナル・オブ・リスク・アンド・アンサーティンティにアクセプトされた! @RyanSul03070993、@DrSumedhaGupta、@KosaliSimonおよび@coady_wingとの共同研究である。
死亡データはCensus of Fatal Occupational Injuries - Wikipedia、賃金データはCurrent Population Survey - Wikipediaのものを用いたとの由。
*1:cf. 共著者が一部重なっているコロナ禍に関する以前の研究=COVID-19疫病への官民の反応の追跡:州・地方政府の行動に基づく実証結果 - himaginary’s diary。