
というNBER論文をGorodnichenko=Coibionらが上げているungated(BIS)版[H/T Mostly Ecoomics])。原題は「Keep Calm and Bank On: Panic-Driven Bank Runs and the Role of Public Communication*1」で、著者はDamiano Sandri(BIS)、Francesco Grigoli(ジョージタウン大)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー)、Olivier Coibion(テキサス大オースティン校)。

Using a survey with information treatments conducted in the aftermath of SVB’s collapse, we study households’ perspectives on bank stability, the potential for panic-driven bank runs, and the role of public communication. When informed about SVB’s collapse, households become more likely to withdraw deposits, due to both a higher perceived risk of bank failure and higher expected losses on deposits in case of bank failure. Leveraging hypothetical questions and the exogenous variation in beliefs generated by the information treatments, we show that households reallocate deposit withdrawals primarily into other banks and cash, with little passthrough into spending. Information about FDIC insurance and communication about bank stability by the Federal Reserve can reassure depositors, while communication from political leaders only influences their electoral base.

*1:タイトルの元ネタはおそらく「Keep Calm and Carry On - Wikipedia」。

*2:本文では「Before receiving the information treatments, survey participants were presented with a hypothetical scenario asking how they would react if their bank faced an imminent risk of failing. More precisely, participants were asked regarding their inclination to take deposits out and the share of deposits they would withdraw if their bank faced a certain probability of failing within 3 months. Additionally, participants were asked whether they would start using a new bank and how they would allocate the funds withdrawn. The probability of failure was randomized across participants, taking values between 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 50 percent. 」と説明されている。

*3:本文では「Participants were then provided with the information treatments on standalone online screens. The four treatment groups were provided with one of these statements:
 A. Considering that a few weeks ago, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), a U.S.$200bn bank, failed after experiencing a sudden bank run,
 B. The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) is an independent agency of the United States government that protects bank depositors if a bank fails. Considering that the FDIC insures individually owned deposits up to $250,000,
 C. Considering that a few weeks ago, President Biden declared that “Americans can have confidence that the banking system is safe,”
 D. Considering that a few weeks ago, the Federal Reserve (Fed) declared that “the U.S. banking system is sound and resilient,”

followed by this sentence to alert people that they would be asked again about their views on bank and deposit risk:
 we would like to ask you again about your perceptions that your bank may fail and your propensity to take out your bank deposits.
To keep the structure of the survey fully symmetric across the treated and control groups, people in the control group were also presented with a standalone online screen which displayed only the last sentence above.」と説明されている。