
と題したINET動画(原題は「Economics Isn't Settled」)で、「The History of Economic Thought Website*1」を創ったGoncalo Fonsecaが、同サイトを作成した動機と経済学史を学ぶことの重要性について語っている(H/T Mostly Ecoomics)。


Why is the history of economic thought important? Almost like asking why is economics important, I mean, economics, if you think about what economics is, I mean, it's essentially a science, or we call it a science, a field, a discipline. I don't care what word you use there, but it's essentially a set of ideas about factual phenomenon that people have been coming up with that sort of explain things, and so it's something, modern economics is something that comes out of human creativity, and human creativity has a history. So what we identify as modern economics is just the outcome of that history of human creativity, and it's sometimes economists think that, okay, we don't need to know the past, but it's nice to know that element of it, because when you think about it, economics is, you know, an edifice that's been constructed over time, generation after generation by people, a series of figures through, you know, mentors and proteges, through criticism and correction, through cooperation, through rivalry, through, you know, proofs and conjectures, through, you know, flashes of brilliance, individual, but also just waves of fashion. There are periods of ideology and periods of rebellion. So what economics is today is an outcome of this really, really messy squabble that has happened over the last couple hundred years. So that's sort of what I believe economics is, and that's how I like to present it, and it's not so much that the history of economic thought in principle presents it that way. It shows it to you. You can actually look at it and see the squabble, see that it hasn't been just a simple linear progress to great perfection, but just a really, really messy process. And it shows that it's also still open-ended, that the debate is not over, that the debates continue, the struggles continue, the fights continue, and sort for you to appreciate economics, and this is a problem I think with a lot of way the economics is taught today, where it's taught sort of linearly, like you just learn your model, and then you just repeat the model over and over and over again with ever increasing technical sophistication, which makes it seem like it's just everything, you know, is settled, you know, all you have to do is apply it. And by delving into the history of economic thought, you realize a little bit that it is more open, and it always has been, that it's not a set topic. The debates go on, the debates continue, and those debates, you know, resurrect the old questions back, keep coming back again and again and again. So this is sort of the value of learning history of economic thought as part of any economics education.
経済思想史はなぜ重要なのでしょうか? それは、経済学がなぜ重要なのかと問うのとほぼ同じです。つまり、経済学とは何かということを考えてみると、それは本質的に科学であり、私たちはそれを科学、分野、学問と呼んでいます。皆がどんな言葉で呼ぶかはともかく、それは本質的に、物事を説明するために人々が考え出した、事実の現象についての一連のアイディアです。ということで、現代経済学は人間の創造性から生み出されたものなのです。そして人間の創造性には歴史があります。つまり、私たちが現代経済学と認識しているものは、人間の創造性の歴史の結果にすぎません。経済学者は時々、過去を知る必要はない、と考えることがありますが、経済学における過去の要素を知っておくのは良いことです。というのは、考えてみるに、経済学は、歳月とともに何世代にも亘って構築されてきた建造物なのですが、それを建てた人々は、指導者と弟子の関係を通じて、批判と修正を通じて、協力や競争を通じて、証明と推測を通じて、輝ける閃きや個人の努力を通じて、あるいは単なる流行の波に乗ってそれを建築してきました。イデオロギーの時代があり、反逆の時代もありました。つまり、今日の経済学は、過去数百年にわたって起こった、本当に本当に取っ散らかった争いの結果なのです。それが私の思う経済学であり、それが私が好む経済学の提示方法なのです。経済思想史が原理的に経済学をそのように提示するということではなく、とにかくそれを示すのです。あなたはそれを実際に見て、その争いを目にして、経済学が素晴らしい完成に向けて単純に直線的に進んでいるものではなく、本当に本当に取っ散らかったプロセスであることを理解するでしょう。また、経済学がまだ未決着のものであること、議論が終わっていないこと、議論が続いていること、闘争が続いていること、戦いが続いていることを経済思想史は示しています。それを通して経済学を味わってください。私が問題だと思うのは、今日の経済学の大半の教え方では、経済学はある種直線的なものだ教えられています。単にモデルを学習し、そのモデルをますます技術的に洗練させつつ何度も何度も反復する結果、モデルによってすべてが決着済みであるかのように思えてきます。あとはモデルを適用するだけ、というわけです。経済思想史を深く掘り下げると、経済学はそれほど決着済みのものではなく、かつ、今までもずっと決着の付いたトピックではなかったことに気づきます。議論は続き、議論は継続し、その議論によって古い疑問が甦り、それは何度も何度も戻ってきます。ということで、それが経済学教育の一環として経済思想史を学ぶことの価値というわけです。

So why the history of economic thought? Well, why economics? It's the same answer to either question.
The history of economic thought used to be part of every graduate program in economics. It used to be a standard training, and we see this with other fields like political science or these sort of fields. You always learn the history of your subject, 'cause it's thought to be an important topic, or important part of the formation of anybody. Since the '70s, history of economic thought programs or history of economic thought courses have sort of been dropped from the curriculum, so there's an entire generation now, several generations of economists and students who've never learned anything about the history of their subject. They have no idea about it, and they go on to teach still without that idea, without any idea about it, so this is a huge blinder in a lot of education of many economists.
The ideal there would be for some curriculum reform of some kind to bring history of economic thoughts back into a graduate program. There's little prospect of that. Graduate programs are not interested in teaching the history of economic thought anymore, because they've gotta fill those graduate programs with statistical courses, math courses, things that improve economists' skills, so they had to drop history of economic thought on the side. That's their excuse. The History of Economic Thought website sort of fills that gap, let's put it that way. If the graduate programs are not gonna teach it, well, we'll teach it, and that was sort of the motivation behind it. They don't want to teach it, we can teach it, and that's been sort of the most rewarding part of it is, I think for me, is like, hearing, not so much from people who are already interested in the history of economic thought, but hearing from people who never were interested in the history of economic thought saying, "Okay, this was interesting, tell me more." Economists who had no inkling of it suddenly come across it, find it interesting, and find it intriguing, and sources of new ideas. It's always been a public good. Like, it's never been sort of a for profit, for a celebration, or for taking any angle or any perspective. The only perspective it takes is that there is a lot of ideas, so it's a pluralistic perspective, if you want.
ではなぜ経済思想史なのでしょうか? さて、なぜ経済学なのでしょうか? どちらの質問に対しても答えは同じです。
