
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Impact of Vaccines and Behavior on U.S. Cumulative Deaths from COVID-19」で、著者はAndrew Atkeson(UCLA)。

What impact did the deployment of vaccines together with public and private efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 have on cumulative mortality from this disease in the United States over the three year period from early 2020 through June 2023?
There are a number of approaches one might take to answer this question. In this paper, I take a structural modeling approach. Specifically, I present a parsimonious structural behavioral epidemiological model of the dynamics of COVID-19 deaths in the United States to assess the impact of vaccines and private and public responses to slow the transmission of COVID-19 on cumulative mortality from this disease in the United States from early 2020 through June 2023. The model, with its baseline parameters, fits the dynamics of daily and cumulative COVID deaths in the United States very well. I then conduct several counterfactual exercises with the model to provide answers to the question above.
First, to assess the impact of the deployment of vaccines on cumulative mortality from COVID-19, I re-run the model with no vaccines. I find in this counterfactual exercise that an additional 748,600 Americans would have died from COVID-19 over the period from February 2020 through June 2023 over and above the 1,134,440 who are recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as having died from COVID-19 over this time period. In this modeling exercise, I leave unchanged the parameters governing the strength of the private and public disease mitigation responses to the level of daily COVID-19 deaths. Based on this counterfactual simulation, I conclude that the deployment of COVID-19 vaccines in 2021 and 2022 had a major impact on cumulative mortality from COVID-19 in the United States even when one takes into account that public and private efforts to mitigate disease transmission would have been stronger in the absence of vaccines.
Second, to assess the contribution of the endogenous private and public mitigation responses to slow transmission of COVID-19 to reducing cumulative mortality from the disease, I simply re-run the model with the parameters governing this endogenous mitigation response turned off. Here I leave in place the baseline parameters governing the timing and speed of the deployment of vaccines. Thus, I interpret this counterfactual simulation as assessing what would have happed had Americans made no private or public efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Here I find that an additional 751,600 Americans would have died from COVID-19 over the period from February 2020 through June 2023. That is, the cumulative mortality from COVID-19 in this simulation with vaccines but no efforts at mitigation would have been quite similar to what it would have been without vaccines.
I interpret these two findings as indicating that it was the combination of public and private mitigation efforts in response to the COVID epidemic together with the deployment of vaccines that resulted in a substantial reduction in cumulative COVID-19 mortality in the United States relative to what would have happened otherwise. I see this as the central finding of this modeling exercise.



*1:原注によると、「パンデミック時の政策介入は技術的解決と組み合わせてこそ意味がある - himaginary’s diary」で紹介した論文のモデルに、デルタ株とオミクロン株、および免疫の不完全性と減衰を組み込み、コロナ死のデータを2023年6月まで延長したとの由。


*3:ちなみに「経済学者と疫学者の暗闘 - himaginary’s diary」では、この論文で示された実証結果に関する論考が、同エントリで取り上げた日本の経済学者のコロナに関する論文では抜けているのではないか、という指摘をさせて頂いた。