
超過死亡率の高さとその原因に関する議論が最近日本で話題になったが、海外の状況はどうなのかとぐぐってみたところ、Health Feedbackという組織*1の11/2付け(11/28更新)の表題の記事に行き当たった。原題は「What can explain the excess mortality in the U.S. and Europe in 2022?」で、著者はPablo Rougerie。以下はその結論部。

Understanding the excess mortality observed in 2022, especially during its second half, is challenging. This is because there can be multiple independent factors contributing to a higher mortality rate and they may contribute indirectly to the mortality in various ways. In addition, the phenomenon is still very recent at the time of writing and researchers are still in the process of collecting and analyzing mortality data from summer 2022.
However, based on the data we do have, we can already identify some likely contributing factors to this persistent excess mortality.
First, the virus SARS-CoV-2 is still circulating and epidemiological data show that COVID-19 deaths still represent a significant part of the excess mortality.
Second, the exceptional heat waves in July and August 2022 are likely to have increased the risk of death, as excess heat can lead to death directly or indirectly.
Third, the healthcare systems of many countries are still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic. Many hospitals remain underfunded, underequipped, and understaffed, leading to suboptimal care for patients.
But one thing we do know isn’t contributing to excess mortality is COVID-19 vaccines, contrary to claims by some. As we demonstrated earlier, there’s no correlation between vaccination coverage and the amount of excess mortality, nor is excess mortality positively correlated with the deployment of public COVID-19 vaccination campaigns. Therefore, the evidence available contradicts this claim.