
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Getting the Right Tail Right: Modeling Tails of Health Expenditure Distributions」で、著者はMartin Karlsson(デュースブルク・エッセン大)、Yulong Wang(シラキュース大)、Nicolas R. Ziebarth(コーネル大)。

Health expenditure data almost always include extreme values. Such heavy tails can be a threat to the commonly adopted least squares methods. To accommodate extreme values, we propose the use of an estimation method that recovers the often ignored right tail of health expenditure distributions. We apply the proposed method to a claims dataset from one of the biggest German private health insurers and find that the age gradient in health care spending differs substantially from the standard least squares method. Finally, we extend the popular two-part model and develop a novel three-part model.